№4(32) (4th quarter of 2019)

Issue №4(32) (4th quarter of 2019)

#International transport law

1 Clauses in a bill of lading and their legal significance

#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security

2 Security as an element of the legal relations arising on the basis of transport obligations in civil law
3 Features of proof in civil cases in disputes arising in the field of transport
4 Penalty as one of the types of liability under a civil works contract: origin, theory and practice

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes

5 The current state of crime on railway transport

#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations

6 Organizational and legal problems of training staff for the transport security enforcement system
7 On some organizational and legal aspects of internal financial control and internal financial audit in the process of budgetary expenses to solve system-wide transport problems in the context of digitalization of the economy
8 The application of professional standards by certain categories of staff as one of the means to enforce security of railway traffic and operation
9 Currency and legal status of transport organizations as residents in the system of currency legal relations

#Land and legal and environmental transport relations

10 Administrative liability for environmental offenses on transport
11 Legal protection of atmospheric air in the activities of the open joint-stock company "Russian Railways"
12 Ballast water: pollution eradication ways

#Transport economy

13 Problems of allocation of transport costs in the structure of the customs value of goods
14 Legal basis for the implementation of railway infrastructure investment projects
15 The ways to improve the organization of export freight of raw materials through railway border entries, taking into account the customs aspects
16 Legal aspects of the digital transformation of railway transport and logistics

#Theory and methodology of transport law

17 School of Transport Law

#Foreign experience of transport legal regulation

18 The phenomenon of Kazakhstan international transport corridors: their functioning on the basis of international treaties

#History of transport law

19 Transportation as a factor of the emergence and development of taxation and transport legislation in pre-imperial Russia
20 Freight transportation contract (including the use of third-party carriages) under the pre-revolutionary legislation of Russia

#Other // Conference results

21 Permanent education in the system of career lifts for young transport specialists
22 Issues of implementing the program-targeted and project approaches to permanent education of staff for solving system-wide transport problems
23 Issues of organizing a system of permanent training of staff in the digital transformation of the prosecutor's office
24 Urgent theoretical and practical aspects of the use of distance learning system in the framework of the implementation of additional professional advanced training programs for transport workers
25 Issues of preparing for a class on the program of additional professional education "Legal and organizational basis of control and audit in the process of financial support of the needs for the development of the transport system" using the case-study methodology
26 On the question of the methods of preparation to a lecture "Administrative and legal foundations of control activities in the field of road safety: history, present days and development prospects" in the context of the development of the adult permanent education system and distance learning
27 Methods for preparation of a detailed seminar plan on the theme "Public Administration in the Field of Transport" in the additional professional education program for military specialists

Journal Transport law and security, Issue 32

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