UDK: 349.22
Evgeny Al. Nesterov - Candidate of Law, head of the Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Marianna Yu. Filippova - Candidate of Law, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Stanislav Ev. Shvagerus - Head of the Competence Center of the International Eurasian Forum “Taxi”
Abstract. The development of modern tools for implementing the principle of labor freedom contains not only new opportunities to manage one’s abilities for professional activity, but also new challenges for the formation of social security mechanisms. Self-employment, including platform employment, transforms traditional labor law institutions into new categories of social relations. The concept of the unity of social risk determines the relevance of developing models of social insurance for platform employees, allowing them, along with the employed workers, to be subjects of social security payments. In the current paper there has been considered the feasibility of empowering digital platforms with functions to provide social guarantees to the self-employed, the necessity to form associations of platform employees, and there has been modeled a prototype of their powers.
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