
Lyudmila M. Maleshina, Irina Iv. Shatskaya. Transport and logistics industry: main challenges and trends of digital development

UDK: 658.7:004

Lyudmila M. Maleshina - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, Russian University of Transport

Irina Iv. Shatskaya - Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Reliable supply chains are the basis of the sustainable development of the logistics industry, but because of the prolonged pandemic, labor shortages, increased computer attacks and other problems, they have been repeatedly violated. The digital transformation of companies in the transport and logistics industry is a business imperative that allows improving the entire cycle of logistics processes. The current paper has presented the analysis of five-year reports from Rosstat on the use of digital technologies by Russian organizations, including those providing services on the economic activity “Transportation and storage”. The study of the current state of the industry has made it possible to highlight the positive and negative aspects of the digitalization of logistics processes. There has been determined that the introduction of new digital technologies for supply chain management provides such benefits as improved productivity, optimized delivery times, increased business profitability, but at the same time raises information security threats.

Keywords: logistics; supply chain management; digitalization; digital transformation.


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