
Olga V. Novikova. The current state of crime on railway transport

UDK: 343.346.8

Olga V. Novikova - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department 'Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics' of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Transport is the most important branch of the Russian economy, therefore the successful implementation of the state economic strategy and the normal functioning of industry, agriculture and trade depend on the efficiency of its work. The number of crimes on transport in the whole country has decreased since 2013, however, there has been seen their growth in 2017. According to forecasts, by the end of 2019 the number of crimes can well exceed the level of 2013. Judicial-investigatory practice on the railway shows that the greatest public danger and material damage is caused precisely by the theft of goods committed directly from rolling stock. The rates of crimes in the field of railway freight currently remain high. The crimes under consideration have a peculiar specificity, due to the work of the railway transport itself, which significantly complicates their prompt detection, clearance and prevention. The current paper provides statistics on the types of crimes that are committed on railway transport. It has been noted that transport crimes are latent. When developing measures to prevent crimes on railway, it is especially necessary to take into account the causes of latency and the specific features of railway lines.

Keywords: railway transport; crime; cargo theft; freight/transportation; specific ratio.


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