
Denis V. Iroshnikov. Security as an element of the legal relations arising on the basis of transport obligations in civil law

UDK: 340.13

Denis V. Iroshnikov - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department 'Theory of law, history of law and international law' of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered security theoretically and legally as an element of the legal relations arising on the basis of transport obligations in the Russian civil law. A popular short-term car rental (car sharing) the legal nature of which is still not defined in current Russian legislation is of particular relevance to this current study. The author discusses security as a mandatory element of the transport obligations, which today do not contain a legislative requirement to include provisions on safety and quality of transportation in them. Analyzing the combined application of protective norms of administrative and criminal legislation and civil law norms, the author notes the necessity for systematic and integrated regulation in security issues. In his opinion, the obligations of the carrier (landlord) to the consumer are primary in these legal relations compared with the security standards, and they, first of all, should include provisions on the trip safety. Based on the current study, the author proposes fundamental changes to the current civil legislation aimed at additional guarantees of the safety of transport legal relations.

Keywords: security; transport safety; vehicle rent; shipping; taxi; car sharing.


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