
Sergey N. Buday. Issues of organizing a system of permanent training of staff in the digital transformation of the prosecutor’s office

UDK: 347.962:355.02

Sergey N. Buday - Candidate of Law, docent, dean of the faculty for training scientific staff of the University of Prosecutor of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper presents the results of the development of an individual project in the form of a substantially updated program for the advanced training of teachers “The use of electronic information and educational environment and information and communication technologies in the educational process”. There has been substantiated the fact that the implementation of the program is fully consistent with the goals and objectives of the digital transformation of the bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation. There has been proved that the further implementation of the program by the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation will help to improve the professional competencies of the teaching staff that are necessary to ensure the efficiency of permanent training of staff in the context of digital transformation in the prosecution authorities.

Keywords: digitalization of economy and transport; advanced training; digital transformation of the prosecutor's office; prosecutors; permanent education.


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