Issue №4(40) (4th quarter of 2021)
#Transport security in professional education
Problematic organizational, legal and educational aspects of the formation and improvement of anti-corruption competencies of participants in the training for a driving license

The system of training, retraining and advanced training of senior management staff in the field of state management of marine economic activities: a brief historical and legal aspect

The modern system of transport education in the context of transport safety management: problems and development prospects

Improving the regulatory framework for VR simulators’ use, regulating the transport safety management system, as a factor in the formation of anti-corruption competencies

Digital transformation of public administration and economy: trends in human resource policy and education

#International transport law
Geoeconomic transformation of the integration group of the Eurasian Economic Union and estimation of the participation of the People's Republic of China in this process

#Theory and methodology of transport law
#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security
Features of legal regulation and problems of judicial practice of the application of a mandatory pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes on the contracts of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance

Civil law status of the subjects of vehicle drivers’ vocational training in the context of the ratio of public and private interests in transport

Features of the carrier's liability for violation of the contract for the railway transportation of goods

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
Some problems of traffic safety and prevention of traffic accidents caused by tailgating another vehicle

#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
The current system of staffing support of departmental railway transport security and issues of its optimization

Establishment of the service life of passenger trafficking vehicles by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as the implementation of their powers in joint jurisdiction with the Russian Federation in the field of passenger trafficking to ensure traffic safety

The efficiency of administrative punishment for administrative offenses in the field of road traffic

The problems of social and legal support in remuneration of law enforcement employees of Russia in transport

#Land and legal and environmental transport relations
#Information and legal enforcement of transport activity and security
#Foreign experience of transport legal regulation
Acts of foreign delegated legislation regulating the field of transport activities (Westminster model)

#Legal framework of national security
#History of transport law
The results of transformations in the control system of communication routes under the reign of Alexander I

Retrospective review of the development of legal regimes of railway property and modern regulation in Russia

Liberalization of public relations and organizational and legal improvement of the Soviet courts, militia and justice in the 1953―1960s