
Olga R. Afanasieva. The efficiency of administrative punishment for administrative offenses in the field of road traffic

UDK: 342.9

Olga R. Afanasieva - Doctor of Law, docent, professor of the department ‘Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Road safety is one of the important government concerns, which was once again noted in the Strategy for road safety in the Russian Federation for 2018-2024. In this regard, in order to increase the efficiency of administrative punishment, since 2005, the government has been implementing measures aimed at tightening and adjusting the norms of law establishing administrative liability for committing administrative offenses in the field of road traffic. The author, having analyzed the changes in the dispositions and sanctions of the administrative legislation norms, identified the main trends in their change. As one of the trends of interest, there has been noted a set of changes in administrative legislation, implying increased administrative liability of individuals and legal entities for the most serious administrative offenses in the field of road traffic. Meanwhile, after analyzing the correlation between changes in administrative legislation and a number of factors characterizing the severity of the law, the author has concluded that there is a slight correlation between the value of administrative punishment and the level of offense. In continuation of the above assumption, the author has given a number of arguments confirming the low efficiency of the system of administrative punishments for committing offenses in the field of road traffic, and therefore, the tightening of liability. In the current paper, the author has negatively assessed the focus on the fiscal and financial functions of administrative punishment in the form of an administrative fine to the detriment of the educational and preventive functions of punishment. In the paper, the author has also provided the study results of the appointment and execution of an administrative fine for administrative offenses in the field of road traffic. There has been concluded that the modern approach, associated with toughening of administrative liability for the violations under consideration, seems, at first glance, to be justified, but the results of the study have raised the question of the expediency and low efficiency of an endless increase in penalties.

Keywords: administrative punishment; enforcement; traffic; administrative punishment/penalty; efficiency.


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