
Anatoliy M. Skrynnik. The system of training, retraining and advanced training of senior management staff in the field of state management of marine economic activities: a brief historical and legal aspect

UDK: 378:339.5(075.8)

Anatoliy M. Skrynnik - Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department of procedural law of the law faculty of the South Russian Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), member of the Association of International Maritime Law

Abstract. The current paper has provided a brief excursion into the historical domain of the system of training and retraining of highly qualified staff in the field of state management of maritime economic activities in the USSR and the Russian Federation. There has been shown the role of the Academy of Water Transport, which trained personnel for the sea and river transport of the USSR in 1935―1941, and the Academy of the Navy, which trained senior staff for the sea transport of the USSR in 1946―1956. There has been considered the main activity of the faculties (later renamed to institutes) of advanced training of executives and specialists of the Ministry of the Navy at the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School named after S.O. Makarov and the Odessa Institute of Navy Engineers. There has been noted that since 1978, senior management staff for sea transport has been trained at the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (currently Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)). There has been suggested a scientifically grounded proposal that at present, senior management personnel for sea transport and maritime economic activities in general should be trained at the Russian University of Transport and State Maritime Universities.

Keywords: training and retraining of staff/personnel; advanced training; public administration; marine economic activity; sea transport.


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