
Gennady Yu. Leshchov. The modern system of transport education in the context of transport safety management: problems and development prospects

UDK: 378.046.4:656.62.08

Gennady Yu. Leshchov - Candidate of Economic Sciences, deputy director on innovations of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has presented the analysis of the modern training system of specialists in the field of rail and road transport safety. The author has identified the main factors that negatively affect the implementation of educational programs for training specialists in the area under consideration. The paper has considered the necessity to develop standard basic vocational training programs in order to establish a single basic level of competence for railway workers directly related to train driving and maneuvers. There has been expressed a negative attitude towards the subject composition of economic entities that are training drivers of vehicles (driving schools), the content of programs for vocational training of drivers of vehicles of the corresponding categories and subcategories, etc. Also, there has been suggested to create a self-regulatory organization in order to ensure the efficiency and quality of training for persons who drive vehicles, uniting organizations that carry out relevant educational activities, etc.

Keywords: transport education; transport safety; traffic safety; professional standard; driving school; professional training of drivers.


  1. Yeliseyev, B. P. Sovremennyy universitet v prostranstve protivorechiy. Problemy i puti ikh resheniya : monografiya [Modern University in the Space of Contradictions. Problems and ways to solve them] / B. P. Yeliseyev. ― Moskva : Dashkov i K, 2017.

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