
Anna Al. Chebotareva, Yana P. Romanova. Digital transformation of public administration and economy: trends in human resource policy and education

UDK: 338.24:378

Anna Al. Chebotareva - Doctor of Law, docent, head of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Yana P. Romanova - specialist of staff management of the Main computing center of JSCo “RZD”

Abstract. The current paper has considered the issues related to the impact of digitalization on the needs for training technical specialists, lawyers, human resource specialists, economists in the context of digital transformation. For the transport industry, the issue of training qualified staff in this area is currently of great relevance. The authors have presented the approaches that are at the core of the modern training of qualified staff, taking into account the development of information and telecommunication technologies and the transition to an automated process in many areas of public life. The changes taking place have determined the revision of the specialists’ training, since, taking into account these processes, it is necessary to form new competencies and skills.

Keywords: digitalization; digital transformation; information and telecommunication technologies.


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