
Aleksandr Iv. Sidorkin. Labor relations under the conditions of application and use of unmanned vehicles

UDK: 631.856.8

Aleksandr Iv. Sidorkin - Doctor of Law, professor, head of the department of the department ‘Theory of law, history of law and international law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the problems of legal regulation of labor relations in transport under the conditions of the use of unmanned vehicles. There has been conducted the analysis of the current labor legislation and made the conclusion about the absence of legal regulation of labor relations. There has been established the necessity to regulate the legal status of persons working with unmanned vehicles, the possibility of concluding and terminating employment contracts, and especially their responsibility. There has been determined a specific of the work of employees serving a new mode of transport in order to ensure the transport security of Russia. Particular attention has been paid to the legal regulation of the staff labor whose work is directly related to the movement of unmanned vehicles, their special disciplinary responsibility. There has been identified the need to develop labor legislation and occupational Safety and Health standards for transport employers and workers using unmanned vehicles in order to ensure their safe and uninterrupted work.

Keywords: unmanned vehicles; transport companies; transport employees/workers; labor legislation; specific of working conditions; labor relations.


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