
Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov. Some problems of traffic safety and prevention of traffic accidents caused by tailgating another vehicle

UDK: 343.3/.7

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department ‘Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics' of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered some of the features of the mechanism of traffic accidents caused by tailgating another vehicle. There has been substantiated the urgency of the study with the presentation of the necessary statistical data characterizing the state of traffic safety both in our country and abroad. There has been reviewed domestic and foreign scientific sources, which highlighted the problem under study and the problems directly related to it (setting the driver's reaction time, speed limit when moving, stopping and braking, etc.). The paper has also paid attention to some psychological characteristics of the driver's personality and their influence on the possibility of an accident. Studying the issues of ensuring traffic safety, the author has proposed, in addition to using internal reserves to reduce traffic accidents, to rely on the positive foreign experience accumulated by other countries in this direction. Considering the theoretical issues related to the definition of a safe distance, the author has confirmed the significant impact of this indicator on traffic safety with the collected experimental data. The current paper has also analyzed some methods for determining the safe and optimal distance between vehicles in the traffic, substantiated the necessity for additional research in this direction on the basis of specialized scientific institutions that have an appropriate experimental base. In conclusion, the author has proposed to make some amendments to the legal and regulatory framework governing the traffic rules and the operation of vehicles.

Keywords: vehicle; safe distance; driver reaction; reasons for traffic accidents; ensuring traffic safety.


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