
Nikolay Al. Dukhno, Viktoriya N. Samokhina. The ideologist of establishing a new type of transport university

UDK: 347.4(075.32)

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, advisor to the administration of the Russian University of Transport

Viktoriya N. Samokhina - assistant of the advisor to the administration of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The study of the development of transport universities contributes to the restoration of a complete and comprehensive picture of the development of transport education as the main means of educating transport workers. When getting acquainted with the origins of establishing the Moscow Engineering School, the first predecessor on the long and eventful path of the formation of the Russian University of Transport, there have emerged a lot of new facts. The establishment of the Moscow Engineering School in 1896 marked the beginning of the crystallization of a new methodology for training engineers. The great scientist and teacher Nikolai Pavlovich Petrov became the founder, scientific ideologist of this method of training railway engineers. His ideas, deeply imbued with scientific thought, became the basis of a new methodology for teaching future engineers that had not been used in Russian universities before. He also prepared a training program for engineers. The new methodology included enhanced theoretical teaching while reducing classroom time; determination of criteria indicating how much and what theory should be included in the educational process for the formation of engineering knowledge; requirements for teachers of engineering sciences; identifying ways of practical training in the training of engineers. N.P. Petrov became an ideologist, the founder of the concept of establishing a new transport university. The study of the scientific heritage of N.P. Petrov should be included in the educational process of training transport engineers, developing in everyone the ability for engineering thinking and interest in engineering knowledge.

Keywords: Nikolai Pavlovich Petrov; methodology for training engineers; the ratio of theoretical and engineering knowledge.


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