
Svetlana V. Borisova. Civil law status of the subjects of vehicle drivers’ vocational training in the context of the ratio of public and private interests in transport

UDK: 347.4:651

Svetlana V. Borisova - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department ‘Civil law, international private law and civil procedure’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the specifics of the organizational and legal forms of economic entities that train teachers and drivers of vehicles of various categories and subcategories. There has been noted that economic entities of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, including entrepreneurs, whose main purpose is to make a profit, have the right to provide educational services. The author has made a conclusion about the relationship between the quality of the services provided for the training of teachers and masters of a driving training with the organizational and legal form of an economic entity. In order to improve the quality of professional vehicle drivers’ training and enforce transport security, there has been proposed to consolidate in the current legislation the special status of organizations that train teachers and masters of a driving training in the form of non-profit institutions and autonomous non-profit organizations.

Keywords: vehicle drivers’ vocational training; road safety; educational organization; driving school; public and private interests in transport; master of a driving training.


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