
Sergey A. Pravkin, Vera V. Smirnova. Information technology in the transport sector: legal aspect

UDK: 004.89:656

Sergey A. Pravkin - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’, Law Institute, Russian University of Transport

Vera V. Smirnova - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’, Law Institute, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The digital transformation of transportation is a consequence of the implementation of transportation into a digital format. Electronic methods of signing a transport contract are of great urgency. The current paper has established that a variety of digital contracts promote rapid development of the transportation market. Information technologies, which are the subject of the contract, are of great importance in the field of transportation. In addition, an important point is to obtain an affordable transport service using information services. Therefore, such services should be developed in transport. The authors of the current paper have concluded that it is necessary to create a new unified operating system for transport management by means of digital technologies and ensure its legal regulation.

Keywords: investment contract; concession contract; smart-contract; digital law; investment platform; information technology.


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