
Kirill V. Alekseev. Russian language as an object of national security of the Russian Federation

UDK: 372.882

Kirill V. Alekseev - Candidate of Philological Sciences, docent, dean of the faculty of Russian philology and national culture of the Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin

Abstract. The current paper has presented the analysis of the Russian language as an object of national security of the Russian Federation, the specific features of which, first of all, is that it is simultaneously included in the system of ensuring all three fundamental security objects, such as personal security, public security and state security. There have been briefly described the threats associated with the current state of the official language of Russia, which, in particular, include the unjustified use of foreign language vocabulary; the use of the Latin alphabet in the names of various commercial organizations and enterprises, or a mixture of the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet, which is not controlled by anyone and is not motivated by anything, except for attracting attention; a huge number of English borrowings used primarily on the Internet; declining literacy and professional competence of state and municipal employees; spelling in normative legal acts that differs from normative; lack of legal regulation of publishing, etc. There has been presented a laconic analysis of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation 2021, including its comparison with the National Security Strategy of 2015. There has been shown that, in general, despite some shortcomings, the Strategy of 2021 opens up serious prospects for serious changes in the field of protection and support of the official language of the Russian Federation. There has been made a general conclusion that the Russian language as the official language is a specific object of the national security of Russia. It can be classified as a universal object of national security, personal security and public security (moreover, all three at the same time). The official language of Russia acts as a kind of guarantor of other objects of this triad, for example, territorial integrity in the field of national security or spiritual and material value in the field of public security.

Keywords: Russian language; object of national security; specificity of the Russian language as an object of national security.


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