
Pavel B. Afanasiev, Valentina Iv. Shiyan. Cybercrime state and tendencies in transport infrastructure

UDK: 343.9:656

Pavel B. Afanasiev - Candidate of Law, senior lecturer of the department ‘Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Valentina Iv. Shiyan - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The introduction of new IT technologies in all spheres of activity has been recognized as a key factor in the development of the digital economy of the Russian Federation. In this regard, IT technologies are rightly recognized as an attribute of modern reality, and the sphere of transport infrastructure is no exception. Unfortunately, the introduction and use of new IT technologies in the transport sector is accompanied not only by positive effects, but also by negative, including criminal processes, as evidenced by the results of numerous Russian and foreign scientific studies. The presence of modern cyber threats in the field of transport security in Russia, requiring modern and comprehensive scientific understanding, predetermined the authors' interest in determining the quantitative and qualitative traits of cybercrime at transport infrastructure facilities and establishing the main tendencies in its development. According to the analysis of the provisions of individual criminological studies devoted to the issues of countering both cybercrime in general and committed at transport infrastructure facilities, the problems of enforcing transport security, as well as according to the study of the departmental statistical reporting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for 2018-2020, the authors of the current paper have substantiated the relevance of the threat of cybercrimes for transport security. There have been given the main criminological indicators characterizing the state, dynamics and structure of cybercrime at transport facilities, the number of persons who committed them. There have been identified the main areas of transport that experiences negative criminal impact, and there have also been determined the tendencies in the development of cybercrime at transport infrastructure facilities. There has been made a conclusion about main reasons for the growth of cybercrime in transport, and the necessity for immediate comprehensive protection of the entire transport infrastructure from modern cyber threats.

Keywords: cybercrime; cybersecurity; transport crime; internet of things.


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