Issue №1(25) (1st quarter of 2018)
#Features of legal relations of subjects which are providing transport security
#Security in the operation of transport infrastructure facilities
Actual issues of administrative and criminal responsibility for driving of a motor vehicle while intoxicated

#Protection of rights and interests in the field of security and transport security
Actual issues of supervision over the transport prosecutor's office for compliance with anti-corruption legislation

#Foreign experience of legal regulation of transport activities
Experience of participation of customs and border authorities of the United States of America and Canada in security in international trade and transport of goods

International experience of financing transport infrastructure on the example of the people's Republic of China

#History of transport law
Some issues of legal regulation and organization of transport activity in the years of the great Patriotic War

The feat of the Soviet railway workers during the battle for the Caucasus and in the battle for Stalingrad

#Technical regulation, standardization and certification in transport safety
To the question of legal and organizational problems of codification of transport legislation of the Russian Federation

Codification of transport legislation in the context of improving the efficiency of public transport management

#Theory and methodology of transport security
Prospects of implementation of public-private partnership in the field of transport security in modern Russia: the potential of chambers of сommerce and industry

Use of the offspring abilities of service dogs to identify objects and substances that are prohibited or restricted to movement in transport