
Andreev A., Vihryan A., Nikolaeva N. Prospects of implementation of public-private partnership in the field of transport security in modern Russia: the potential of chambers of сommerce and industry

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Lsw Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 347.463

Andreev A. - chief researcher of the Center for security studies of the Russian Academy of sciences RAS expert

Vihryan A. - senior research fellow of the Center for security studies of the Russian Academy of sciences RAS, expert candidate of historical sciences

Nikolaeva N. - program director of International forum «Security technologies»

Abstract. The article discusses current issues related to prospects of implementation of public-private partnership in the sphere of transport security in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the potential of the system of chambers of Commerce in this region and identification of key areas of such partnerships in transport security, particularly, against acts of unlawful interference in the activities of the transport complex.

Keywords: public interest; public-private partnership; transport safety; transport infrastructure; acts of illegal intervention; trading-industrial chamber; the system of chambers of commerce.


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