Статьи номера | Issue №25

Articles of the journal issue №1 (25) (1st quarter of 2018)

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Savenkov A. Use of the offspring abilities of service dogs to identify objects and substances that are prohibited or restricted to movement in transport

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 636.043

Savenkov A. - colonel of the police, head of the Federal state treasury of additional professional education «Rostov school of service and investigation dog training of the ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation»

Abstract. The article reveals the possibilities of using the orological abilities of service dogs to identify objects and substances banned or restricted to transportation on transport, describes the main historical stages and the current experience of professional training of experts in the field of service dog breeding at the Rostov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

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Mamonova M. Legal security in railway transport

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 347.463:656.2

Mamonova M. - graduate of the of the Law Institute Russian University of transport

Abstract. This article describes the main issues facing transportation system in the area of traffic safety and operation of railway transport, the basic sources of legal regulation of security on railway transport in the Russian Federation.

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Bagreeva E. Socio-cultural and legal foundations of prevention offences and safety in transport sphere

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 347.463

Bagreeva E. - doctor of law, professor of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The relevant statistical data given in the article indicates the existence of problems in the transport sphere and in using of transport. The improvement of transport security depends on the prevention of offences. The author examines the balance of socio-cultural and legal opportunities in the transport sector as a basis of the crime prevention.

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Yusupov M. On the relationship between corruption and transport security

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 629.039.58

Yusupov M. - candidate of legal Sciences, honorary doctor of legal Sciences, natural Sciences, Chairman of the Board MOO «NCOC», co-chair MACK MCCI, member of the Presidium of the society «Officers of Russia», professor of the department DFC NOU «international Institute of law», member of the Public Council for the protection of small and medium-sized business of the Moscow interregional transport prosecutor's office

Abstract. The article considers the negative impact of corruption on transport security based on the analysis of regulatory legal acts and law enforcement practice.

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Sinitsyn I. The nature of transport of terrorism and the specifics of its manifestation

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 343.341.1/.342.3

Sinitsyn I. - scientific secretary research center security problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract. The article is devoted to urgent issues related to ensuring transport security, counter terrorism and transport. The author pays special attention to the conceptual apparatus in this area, as well as the need for improvements in the prevention of acts of illegal intervention (ANV) in the functioning of the transport complex.

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Artamonova S. Formation of a legal framework to ensure the safety of road transport in Russia

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 67.405

Artamonova S. - ph. D. in law, associate professor of transport law department of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport, associate professor of the Military University of the Ministry of defence of Russia

Abstract. The article gives a general description of the process of formation of the legal basis for ensuring the safety of road transport in Russia, examines factors affecting the mainstream perspective.

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Shestak V. Transport security as a legal institution

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 347.463:656.2

Shestak V. - doctor of law, associate professor, professor of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminology department, MGIMO MFA of Russia

Abstract. The concept of «security» as a complex, multifaceted socio-political and legal phenomenon objectively has a specific historical character and is closely connected with all forms and directions of interaction in the system nature-man — society. A comparative analysis of the different uses of the term «security» provides an answer to the question, from the understanding of the content of which largely depends on the integrity of the concept of «transport security», including as a legal institution, its consistency in the scientific and practical sense.

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Pischelko A. Organizational and legal basis of transport security in Russia

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 347.463

Pischelko A. - doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the chair «Transport law and administrative law» Law institute of the Russian university of transport

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems of formation of organizational and legal bases of activity in the sphere of transport security; improvement of the state administration; organization of the system of transport security, the characteristic of the system of boundary control.

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Andreev A., Vihryan A., Nikolaeva N. Prospects of implementation of public-private partnership in the field of transport security in modern Russia: the potential of chambers of сommerce and industry

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Lsw Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 347.463

Andreev A. - chief researcher of the Center for security studies of the Russian Academy of sciences RAS expert

Vihryan A. - senior research fellow of the Center for security studies of the Russian Academy of sciences RAS, expert candidate of historical sciences

Nikolaeva N. - program director of International forum «Security technologies»

Abstract. The article discusses current issues related to prospects of implementation of public-private partnership in the sphere of transport security in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the potential of the system of chambers of Commerce in this region and identification of key areas of such partnerships in transport security, particularly, against acts of unlawful interference in the activities of the transport complex.

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Kharlamova Yu. Actual political and legal aspects of transport security

Experience in the legal provision of transport security (Moscow, Law Institute of MIIT, December 6, 2017)

UDK 347.463

Kharlamova Yu. - doctor of political science, associate professor, professor of the department of transport law and administrative law of the Law Institute Russian University of transport

Abstract. The article gives a political and legal analysis of problems related to the process of ensuring transport security in modern Russia. The importance of an integrated approach to the solution of the tasks facing the society and public authorities in the regulation of transport security is stressed.

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