Issue №2(42) (2nd quarter of 2022)
#Transport security in professional education
Problematic issues of public law regulation of training the staff of transport security forces for their professional activities

#International transport law
#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security
#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
Hijacking of air or water transport means or railway rolling stock as a threat to transport security

#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
Scientific support of the activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the field of transport security

Transport security enforcement in the context of naval training of civil ships’ crews: a brief legal analysis

To the question of methods for improving efficiency of transport legal relations in the activities of the staff of the Main Directorate for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

#Information and legal enforcement of transport activity and security
Concept of cognitive modules to justify possible application of general artificial intelligence in the transport industry

#Transport economy
#Theory and methodology of transport law
Communicative features of the texts placed in transport (on the example of the subway) and their impact on the safety of passengers’ movement

#Foreign experience of transport legal regulation
Screening Partnership Program or private transportation security agencies of the United States of America

#Legal framework of national security
Urgent implementation trends and problems of strategic planning documents in the field of environmental development

#History of transport law
Vladimir Nikolayevich Obraztsov’s contribution into the development of technical education in Russia