
Roman V. Volkov, Elena Iv. Danilina. Pivotal management areas of digital transformation of a transport enterprise

UDK: 338.24:656

Roman V. Volkov - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Russian Open Academy of Transport, Russian University of Transport

Elena Iv. Danilina - Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The transport industry of the country can objectively become a driver of digitalization and economic growth, increasing GDP growth by reducing logistics costs and increasing the competitiveness of products. That is, the economic effect of transport digitalization has a national scale. One of the main factors in the process of transport digitalization is effective digital management both at individual enterprises and the industry. The process of digital transformation of the industry is a mechanism to form a new transformational management model. The logic of the transformational management model is determined by its main purpose to speed up the process and reduce the costs of digital transformation of the enterprise. The current paper has considered new pivotal management areas of digital transformation of a transport enterprise, such as business model transformation and transition to a platform production model; transformation of corporate culture; transformation of marketing and service; transition to a customer-oriented service. In the current situation, a new transformational model of transport enterprise management should fundamentally meet such requirements as to ensure the growth of decision-making speed through new intelligent technologies; support greater variability of processes, including processes in pivotal areas of transformation; constantly reduce the number of people involved in the process (decision-making and value increase chains); provide a change in the forms of interaction with customers; use all the possibilities of modern analytical systems; support a changing process of the management system itself on the principles of self-organization. The implementation of an accelerated and cost-effective digitalization strategy for a transport enterprise must begin with a change in pivotal management areas and priorities.

Keywords: digital economy; digital transformation; digital control; digital platform; pivotal management areas; business model; transformational management model.


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