Issue №1(33) (1st quarter of 2020)
#International transport law
The features of the application of the territorial and extraterritorial effect of the statutes in the cross-border movement of energy resources by pipelines

#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
Urgent issues of preventing and resolving conflicts of interest in the organizations established to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation (on the example of JSC «Russian Railways»)

Digitalization of state control (supervision) in the field of transport as a direction of modern reform of control and supervision activities

Fundamental approaches and theoretical fundamentals of counteracting corruption in the organizations set up to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation (on the example of JSC «Russian Railways»)

#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security
Ensuring constitutional guarantees for inviolability of individual private life in the present practice of providing consumer services (on the example of transport industry)

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
#Information and legal enforcement of transport activity and security
The current status and development trends of the infocommunication transport infrastructure in the Russian Federation

Current state and prospects of digitalization of freight railway transport and logistics in Russia

#Transport security in professional education
Some results of the implementation of additional professional education programs at the Russian University of Transport according to the federal project «New Opportunities for Everyone» of the national project «Education»

The complex use of oriental health gymnastics in order to increase the stress resistance of future transport specialists

#Foreign experience of transport legal regulation
Characteristics of the legal regulation of a vehicle insurance and a civil liability insurance of their owners in Brazil

#History of transport law
Contribution of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers to the development of transport education in Russia