
Vladimir E. Sudenko. Consideration of railway transport features in solving transport criminal cases

UDK: 343.1

Vladimir E. Sudenko - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper has considered the specific railway transport features, which should be taken into account when investigating and solving transport criminal cases. There has been given a description of the rules and regulations for railway transport, related to investigating and solving transport criminal cases. Particular attention has been paid to the concept of «special knowledge» in relation to railway transport. When investigating transport criminal cases committed on the mentioned mode of transport, it is necessary to take into account that the movement of railway transport is a single production process that incorporates relatively independent stages, namely boarding passengers and loading goods into passenger and freight trains; transportation of passengers and goods from one point to another; unloading of passengers and cargo at a destination point. Each of these elements has its own specific operations carried out during the preparation, organization and implementation of railway transportation. The objects of railway transport are complex engineering structures, and their use is initially qualified by law as a source of increased danger. In view of the foregoing, the current paper states that, in order to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and public interests protected by criminal law in the field of railway transport, it is necessary for the investigator, to have both legal knowledge and special knowledge in the field of human interaction with railway equipment in general, as well as knowledge of the operating rules of railway transport.

Keywords: railway transport; crimes; violation of traffic rules; violation of operating rules; investigator.


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