Статьи номера | Issue №33

Articles of the journal issue №1 (33) (1st quarter of 2020)

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Yury Iv. Petrov. Contribution of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers to the development of transport education in Russia

UDK: 656.2

Yury Iv. Petrov - Candidate of Historical Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Customs Law and Organization of the Customs Affairs’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper discusses the formation and development of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, established in Russia at the beginning of the XX century. There has been carried out the analysis of the legal regulation of the students’ training system, the requirements for the training level of engineers, the organization of teaching in an educational institution. The conducted analysis of legislative acts and materials of the Ministry of Railways allows getting a clear idea on the whole spectrum of the abovementioned issues. There have been shown the transformations of the educational system in higher educational institutions of Russia, attitude to them in transport universities and their impact on the development of transport education. The results of the current study give an idea of both the stages of the formation of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers and its role in the development of the country's transport education system. They can serve as a starting point for further discussion about the prospects, trends and directions of development of modern Russian transport education.

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Anna K. Zharova. UK Legal System for processing of genetic information

UDK: 340(410)(075.8)

Anna K. Zharova - Candidate of Law, docent, senior researcher of the department of Information Law and International Information Security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract. The problem of ensuring the information security of genetic information is relevant, since every year the volume of research conducted in the field of genetics is constantly increasing in the world, and accordingly, the amount of data that can be used to identify a person is growing. In most developed countries, the legal system is aimed at ensuring the safety of the collection, research and further use of the obtained genetic information. The paper analyzes the UK legal system, which is very scrupulous in civil law regulation of relations in the field of genetic engineering, in contrast to the Russian Federation.

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Vitaliy An. Maltsev. Characteristics of the legal regulation of a vehicle insurance and a civil liability insurance of their owners in Brazil

UDK: 368.1

Vitaliy An. Maltsev - Candidate of Law, docent, head of the department of administrative, financial and international law of the Academy of Labour and Social Relations

Abstract. The current paper has studied the characteristics of legal regulation of a vehicle insurance and a liability insurance of their owners in Brazil. There has been shown a process of insurance legislation formation in this area. There have been analyzed the provisions of legislative and other regulatory legal acts governing the objects, conditions and rules of transport insurance. There have been established the specific features of insurance legislation, which are clearly manifested in the field of transport insurance. There have been considered the issues of state regulation and control in the field of a vehicle insurance, as well as changes recently occurred in this area. There have been determined the features of the Brazilian insurance market, where transport insurance occupies one of the main places. There has been given a characteristic of the national private insurance system, which has become one of the priority areas in the insurance sector. There have been disclosed functions and powers of special bodies of supervision and regulation of the insurance market. It has been concluded that the system of legal regulation and control in the insurance industry in Brazil includes a combination of public and private management. Due to the fact that a vehicle insurance and a civil liability insurance of their owners is not a special type, but referred to as general insurance, the current paper has highlighted their features and specifics of their legal relations. There have been studied basic legal aspects of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners. In this case, there have been indicated the features in the procedure for the singing of an insurance agreement, its conditions, as well as the current rules of this type of insurance. There have been noted the significant differences in distribution of insurance premiums and compensation for damage occurred in the framework of insured events. There has been considered the procedure for insurance premiums and the documents required for getting insurance money paid. There have been indicated the features of liability measures applied both for insurance companies, and for their leaders for violations of insurance rules. There has been made a comparison of the provisions of Brazilian insurance legislation with the norms of Russian legislation governing transport insurance.

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Irina S. Shchadilova, Galina An. Smirnova. Self-Myofascial Release of transport industry employees

UDK: 796

Irina S. Shchadilova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian University of Transport

Galina An. Smirnova - senior lecturer of the department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian University of Transport, ishchad@mail.ru

Abstract. In modern Russia, human resources are the main productive factor for economic development and growth in the country, and ensuring long-term capacity, longevity is one of the most important tasks in the country. The development of new programs and complexes of physical exercises, aimed not only at developing the physical qualities of a person, but also at the possibility after a hard working day spent in unfavorable conditions (with noise, vibrations of various types, in night shifts) to minimize immense loads for the body are of urgent necessity. The current paper has considered the modern system of health-improving practice, namely “myofascial release” (MFR) and substantiated the possibility of independent use in everyday life by all transport specialists. There has been given a brief description of the methodology, features, goals and the impact that this methodology could have on the physical condition of a person. The presented complex of relaxation and recreational exercises will make it possible to become a universal remedy to prevent injuries at work and in domestic conditions. The methodology of myofascial relaxation consists of specific rolling of selected body muscles rested on the roller. Only after some adaptation of the pain body parts and with the weakening of muscle pain, the pressure should be gradually increased which will result in the rise of the relaxation effect.

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Elena V. Tsukanova. A stress as a destructive psycho-emotional condition and a risk factor while driving

UDK: 159.942.2

Elena V. Tsukanova - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, professor of the department of Methodology of Law and Legal Communication of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has analyzed a stress as a destructive psycho-emotional condition experienced by people in extreme life situations. There have been considered the essential characteristics, features, factors and mechanisms of a stress, as well as its behavioral, activity, psychophysiological, cognitive and emotional manifestations. Special attention has been paid to the analysis of a stress as a risk factor in the professional activities of transport operators. There have been considered the specific stress factors experienced by operators in the most stressful driving situations on river and sea, underwater, air, space, rail. The information presented in the current paper can be used in the process of diagnosing and estimating the functional condition of driving staff for the professional selection of the transport personnel, while quickly resolving the issue of access to work on a vehicle in special and extreme situations. Taking into account the extreme importance of occupational stress as a factor that reduces the efficiency and safety of vehicle driving and provokes accidents, there have been formulated the urgent issues to develop psychological support for transportation safety.

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Olga L. Postol, Vera S. Babina. The complex use of oriental health gymnastics in order to increase the stress resistance of future transport specialists

UDK: 615.8

Olga L. Postol - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department "Physical Training and Sport" of the Russian University of Transport

Vera S. Babina - lecturer of the Law College of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Health preservation and improvement of the students of transport universities, the formation of a healthy lifestyle are the most important tasks of physical education at the Russian University of Transport. Annually the requirements for transport industry specialists and their psychophysical readiness for professional activities are constantly increasing. This is caused by the complex influence of the negative environmental effects at the workplace. They are electromagnetic radiation, special sound modes, constant mechanical vibration, unfavorable environmental conditions, environmental pollution by chemical transport emissions, which ultimately lead to negative effects on the body of a transport worker, especially on his nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory systems. The current paper has proposed a program for transport university students with the complex use of non-traditional health-improving gymnastics (qigong, yoga, taijiquan (eight pieces of brocade), arm and palm gymnastics by Yoshiro Tsutsumi, Tabata system exercises, breathing and joint gymnastics, etc.) in combination with domestic physical exercises (elements of gymnastics, outdoor games, athletics exercises, etc.). In the Russian University of Transport on the basis of the department “Methodology of Law and Legal Communication” (“Physical Culture” section) there was conducted pedagogical experiment with the participation of the Law Institute students from 2015 to 2019. The students of the experimental group engaged in the developed recovery methodology showed very high test results (P <0.01) at the end of the experiment. Thus, there has been proved an efficiency of this technique using oriental gymnastics, which favored the improvement of the body condition, psychophysical and physical condition, and health in general. The exercises with elements of non-traditional health-improving gymnastics had a very beneficial effect on the body of students, preventing diseases, increasing levels of human performance and stress resistance. The recovery program also contributed to the implementation of the functional, psychological and physical preparation of students of RUT for future professional activities.

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Sergey L. Lobachev. Some results of the implementation of additional professional education programs at the Russian University of Transport according to the federal project «New Opportunities for Everyone» of the national project «Education»

UDK: 378.1

Sergey L. Lobachev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the department of Information Technologies in Jurisprudence, head of the department for distance learning of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the results of the implementation of a number of additional professional education programs within the framework of grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the project “Citizens’ training on continuing education programs in educational organizations that implement additional educational programs and professional training programs” of the Federal project “New opportunities for everyone” of the national project “Education” in 2019. The results have been analyzed according to the effective use of the technological capabilities of the distance learning portal by teachers to implement the educational process. Taking into consideration the different relevance of the courses, there were analyzed 5 of 12 implemented courses for which received the largest number of applications. There have been given the factual data that showed the dynamics of doing of the additional education course by students and the ideas to increase their activity in webinars and in other variants of interactive interaction with the teacher. The obtained experience allowed us to make a conclusion about insufficiency of pedagogical communications. There have been given recommendations on the average number of practical work per course. There have been suggested to improve the organization and methodology of further professional education courses using distance learning technologies. There have been presented the results and conclusions which could be useful in the development and implementation of continuing education programs using distance learning technologies.

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Alla V. Pavlova. Current state and prospects of digitalization of freight railway transport and logistics in Russia

UDK: 338.47

Alla V. Pavlova - Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department of Customs Law and Organization of the Customs Affairs of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, alpav71@mail.ru

Abstract. The digitalization level of Russian railway transport and logistics is currently behind the world level. The reasons are largely economic, since customers consider most of the services that have car park management systems and telemetry systems of objects to be redundant, and are not ready to invest in them. The digitalization is hampered by the imperfection of regulatory structure, as well as by the lack of standards to integrate solutions from different manufacturers. Nevertheless, by 2025 in the Russian railways due to the introduction of digital technologies, it has been planned to reduce the share of operating costs for information systems to 5% per year. It is expected that improvement of the operating model of information technology will allow conducting «optimization» of 15% of IT staff and save up to 1.2 billion rubles on purchases. The current paper considers the results of digitalization in the freight railway industry of the Russian Federation, as well as the prospects for the application and development of digital technologies to optimize the costs of commercial structures and the state, increase competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

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Ekaterina Iv. Kobzeva, Albina Yu. Misak. Ensuring transportation safety in the context of digitalization

UDK: 656:005.932

Ekaterina Iv. Kobzeva - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department of Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law of the Law Institute, Russian University of Transport

Albina Yu. Misak - post-graduate of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The rapid development of modern technologies based on the use of a distributed list and other information innovations has resulted in the emergence of a fundamentally different system of economic relations, called “digital”. One of the key areas of the Russian Federation activity is the development of the digital economy. Currently digitalization is the main factor in the development of transport infrastructure and the transport services sector. The issue of transport modernization occupies a serious position in many foreign strategies for the development of the digital economy. A prosperous digital economy requires uniform legal provisions, and at the same time, this unified set of laws should not hamper the spread of innovation and progress in the digital economy. The current paper has considered the issues related to changes in transport services in going to a digital economy. The transportation system plays a huge role in the development of any state. Due to new technologies transport services are increasingly shifting to the digital market, becoming an integral part of the digital economy. As for the ensuring the railway transport safety in the context of the new “digital” regulation, the railway infrastructure is a critical infrastructure, and therefore various failures can potentially result in both disruption of railway transport, and in disruption of the life of one country, and possibly of several countries at the same time. As a result of the study, there has been concluded that one of the key concerns is that technology is developing rapidly, but the relevant legislation is of a risk to lag behind.

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Vera V. Smirnova, Sergey A. Pravkin. Problems of regulatory support of autonomous (unmanned) railway transport

UDK: 347.463:656.2

Vera V. Smirnova - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Sergey A. Pravkin - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the legal regulation of autonomous railway transport in the Russian Federation. Partially or fully autonomous (unmanned) railway transport operates in many countries, including the Russian Federation. The use of unmanned trains will improve carrying capacity, guarantee the transportation security, use energy more efficiently, reduce delays, improve the clarity and promptness of the transportation, since there is no human factor. The technologies in this area are developing rapidly. In the unmanned transport sector, the technologies used on the metro lines have advanced significantly. Therefore, at present, there is a necessity in legal regulation of both autonomous (unmanned) transport in general, and specific types of such transport. The authors have analyzed the Russian legislation and foreign countries, regulating unmanned vehicles. Particular attention has been paid to railway transport. It has been noted that in Russia and abroad there is no proper legal regulation of autonomous (unmanned) railway transport. Automation of railway transportation requires comprehensive measures to ensure the transportation safety. There has been concluded that it is essential to eliminate gaps in domestic legislation by adopting a new law and introducing amendments and additions to the existing legislation.

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