
Ekaterina Iv. Kobzeva, Albina Yu. Misak. Ensuring transportation safety in the context of digitalization

UDK: 656:005.932

Ekaterina Iv. Kobzeva - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department of Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law of the Law Institute, Russian University of Transport

Albina Yu. Misak - post-graduate of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The rapid development of modern technologies based on the use of a distributed list and other information innovations has resulted in the emergence of a fundamentally different system of economic relations, called “digital”. One of the key areas of the Russian Federation activity is the development of the digital economy. Currently digitalization is the main factor in the development of transport infrastructure and the transport services sector. The issue of transport modernization occupies a serious position in many foreign strategies for the development of the digital economy. A prosperous digital economy requires uniform legal provisions, and at the same time, this unified set of laws should not hamper the spread of innovation and progress in the digital economy. The current paper has considered the issues related to changes in transport services in going to a digital economy. The transportation system plays a huge role in the development of any state. Due to new technologies transport services are increasingly shifting to the digital market, becoming an integral part of the digital economy. As for the ensuring the railway transport safety in the context of the new “digital” regulation, the railway infrastructure is a critical infrastructure, and therefore various failures can potentially result in both disruption of railway transport, and in disruption of the life of one country, and possibly of several countries at the same time. As a result of the study, there has been concluded that one of the key concerns is that technology is developing rapidly, but the relevant legislation is of a risk to lag behind.

Keywords: digital economy; transport industry; legal regulation; transport services; modern technologies.


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