
Ivan S. Tushko. Transport security on urban road transport: problems and their solutions

UDK: 629.362

Ivan S. Tushko - head of the Transport Security Department of the SUE "Passazhiravtotrans" (Saint-Petersburg)

Abstract. Transport security is of great importance in the transport system of Russia, with annually attracts more and more attention of the state and the transport community. The ongoing processes, including those with negative consequences such as human victims because of terrorist acts, make everyone realize the importance of measures to enforce security when traveling by transport. The current study deals with research of the current state of transport security enforcement and anti-terrorism protection of public urban road transport; identification of practical problems in the implementation of existing legislation, and analysis of the adequacy of the measures taken by the state and transport infrastructure entities. An important role in the study is played by the search for solutions to the identified practical problems that are of particular relevance while ensuring the stable and safe functioning of the transport complex.

Keywords: transport security; safety on transport; act of unlawful interference; threats; terrorist attack; public transport; automobile/land transport; transport complex.


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