Статьи рубрики | Transport security in professional education

Scientific specialties:

5.10.1. Theory and history of culture, art (philosophical sciences, cultural studies, art history)

Viktor M. Koryakin. Scientific and methodological approaches to the development of a professional standard for a specialist in the field of railway transport security (part 2)

UDK: 656.265

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper is a continuation and a final part of the same named paper published in the latter issue of the journal “Transport law and security”. The current paper has presented a rationale for the need to develop a professional standard for a specialist in the field of transport safety in railway transport and implement it into practice personnel activities in transport. Based on the study and comparative legal analysis of current professional standards in other areas of transport activity, there have been considered the main approaches to the formation of the structure and content of the professional standard “Specialist in the field of ensuring railway transport security”. There have been formulated the main labor functions and labor actions performed by this specialist, as well as the requirements for the skills and abilities that he must possess. There has been shown that the official approval and implementation of this professional standard will ensure uniform approaches to the formation of professional competencies among transport security specialists, will form a methodological basis for the development and implementation of relevant educational standards in the system of higher and secondary vocational education, as well as in the system of professional retraining and advanced training of specialists in this profile.

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Viktor M. Koryakin. Scientific and methodological approaches to the development of a professional standard for a specialist in the field of railway transport security (part 1)

UDK: 656.265

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport (RUT MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has presented a rationale for the need to develop a professional standard for a specialist in the field of transport safety in railway transport and implement it into practice personnel activities in transport. Based on the study and comparative legal analysis of current professional standards in other areas of transport activity, there have been considered the main approaches to the formation of the structure and content of the professional standard “Specialist in the field of ensuring railway transport security”. There have been formulated the main labor functions and labor actions performed by this specialist, as well as the requirements for the skills and abilities that he must possess. There has been shown that the official approval and implementation of this professional standard will ensure uniform approaches to the formation of professional competencies among transport security specialists, will form a methodological basis for the development and implementation of relevant educational standards in the system of higher and secondary vocational education, as well as in the system of professional retraining and advanced training of specialists in this profile.

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Sergey L. Lobachev. Transport education in Russia in the context of its digitalization: the state and some prospects

UDK: 378.018.43:656

Sergey L. Lobachev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has discussed the main tendencies in transport education in Russia, underlined its most significant distinctive features and their reflection in the directions of the Russian transport system development, set out in the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation. There has been noted that since the beginning of the XXI century the main tendency in the education of Russia has been centralization, which is implemented in the form of establishing federal, flagship and network universities. Based on the previous analysis of software platforms of transport universities, there was drawn a conclusion that universities of this profile have modern distance learning systems, which are based on the Moodle platform common to most universities. The experience accumulated in transport universities during the educational process using distance learning technologies allows speaking about the reality of the project of a network transport university in Russia. The organizational and legal form of such a university should be a consortium of transport universities, which implies an equal partnership of all participating universities. This project is aimed at integrating the scientific potential of transport universities and improving the quality of training the transport specialists by strengthening cooperation, interuniversity connection, and cooperation with transport industry enterprises in the Russian Federation. There has been drawn a conclusion that in the context of digitalization of the transport industry and the economy, these are network universities that have the highest potential, since they combine the potential advantages of various universities on a voluntary basis, providing conditions for mutual enrichment both in methodological and technological facets.

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Valentina G. Sidorenko, Lyudmila N. Loginova. Current facets of educational activities to ensure information security of the transport industry

UDK: 372.8:378:656

Valentina G. Sidorenko - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Russian University of Transport, valenfalk@mail.ru

Lyudmila N. Loginova - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, Russian University of Transport, ludmilanv@mail.ru

Abstract. In modern conditions, there is a great need in specialists working in the field of cyber security and information protection, especially to ensure the smooth operation of the transport industry. The current paper deals with the analysis of facets of educational activities of the department “Information Management and Protection” of RUT (MIIT), which trains specialists of “Cyber security”. There has been presented an overview of the educational program. There has been formulated the principles underlying the training of cyber security specialists in RUT (MIIT). There have been demonstrated the themes which are studied as part of the educational program.

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Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin, Aleksandr S. Skaridov. Problematic issues of public law regulation of training the staff of transport security forces for their professional activities

UDK: 372.8:656

Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport

Aleksandr S. Skaridov - Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping

Abstract. The relevance and practical significance of the study of issues of public law regulation of training the staff of transport security forces for their professional activities is substantiated by the special significant transport security for the functioning of the Russian economy, enforcement of the national security, which has a unique geopolitical position, territory, and length of transport routes. In the current paper, in accordance with logic passing from the abstract to the concrete, there have been considered the problematic issues of public law regulation of social relations, arising during training the staff of transport security forces for their professional activities. Due to the determined purpose, which is to develop scientifically based proposals for improving the system of administrative and legal acts regulating of training the staff of transport security forces for their professional activities, based on a systematic legal analysis of conflicts and gaps in legislation in the field of transport security, there has been solved several research tasks. There have been formulated and substantiated the proposals for improving several seemingly important aspects of the legal consolidation of directions, forms and procedures for training the staff of transport security forces. There has been critically analyzed the content of the legal categories actively used in transport legislation which made it possible to fix some significant conflicts and gaps in the administrative legislation governing relations in the field of training the staff of transport security forces for their professional activities. Based on the study results, there have been formulated several proposals to improve the current transport legislation, which can be used to develop and subsequently apply a professional standard for the staff of transport security forces, which, in turn, can contribute to enforcing security in the process of functioning of the elements of the Russian transport system in modern conditions.

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Gennady Yu. Leshchov, Svetlana V. Borisova. Self-regulation in transport education as a kind of legal regulation in transport

UDK: 378.018.43:656

Gennady Yu. Leshchov - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Russian University of Transport

Svetlana V. Borisova - Candidate of Law, docent, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper deals with the study of self-regulation as a kind of legal regulation in transport education and its organizational forms in the form of self-regulatory organizations established to provide an additional mechanism for monitoring the activities of business entities in this area. There has been proposed a new form of self-regulation in the field of transport education based on the extended and mixed nature of the subject composition of participation. The authors have formulated specific proposals for changing the norms of the legislation on self-regulatory organizations and on education.

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Elena L. Fedorova. Sociological study of professional motivation of the students of Moscow and regional transport universities (communicative aspect)

UDK: 316:378.937

Elena L. Fedorova - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current work is a sociological study of an important scientific problem of professional motivation of students, who receive higher education in the Moscow and regional transport universities. The first-year students studying at the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)) and the first-year students studying at the Rostov State Transport University (RSTU) participated in the study. The paper has presented the questionnaire, the answers to the questions of which formed the basis of the current study. The paper has considered the close correlation between motivation of students and their employment after graduation. The study has demonstrated that in the first year of study it is possible to identify students who will not work in the chosen specialty in future. The teaching staff’s efforts to motivate students in the profession could reduce the proportion of those who do not plan to work in the field chosen for training.

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Evgeny A. Nesterov. Legal regulation of drivers’ training schools in Russia

UDK: 351.811.122:629

Evgeny A. Nesterov - Candidate of Law, head of the Law Institute, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Currently, 70% of drivers’ training organizations are commercial, striving, first of all, for obtaining profit, i.e. to train a student and send him to the state exam in the traffic police as soon as possible. In such a situation, it is no use to talk about the quality and attentive attitude to the problems of drivers’ training. The 2013 driver training reforms not only failed to fully clarify and fill the gaps in the current legislation, but gave rise to new questions that have not yet been answered. According to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia issued on February 20, 2021 No. 80, there were approved the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services for conducting exams for driving licenses. The new rules are a compilation of the best foreign experience that could be applied in Russian conditions. What changes have been made to the rules for passing the exam on a driving license? There is a hope that the toughening of the rules will have a positive impact on the quality of students’ knowledge. In this case, drivers’ training schools will not only have to train for the correct answers, but also ensure a thorough study of the curriculum for future drivers, and its implementation will be checked at an internal exam.

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Anna Al. Chebotareva, Yana P. Romanova. Digital transformation of public administration and economy: trends in human resource policy and education

UDK: 338.24:378

Anna Al. Chebotareva - Doctor of Law, docent, head of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Yana P. Romanova - specialist of staff management of the Main computing center of JSCo “RZD”

Abstract. The current paper has considered the issues related to the impact of digitalization on the needs for training technical specialists, lawyers, human resource specialists, economists in the context of digital transformation. For the transport industry, the issue of training qualified staff in this area is currently of great relevance. The authors have presented the approaches that are at the core of the modern training of qualified staff, taking into account the development of information and telecommunication technologies and the transition to an automated process in many areas of public life. The changes taking place have determined the revision of the specialists’ training, since, taking into account these processes, it is necessary to form new competencies and skills.

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Nataliya V. Kuzina. Improving the regulatory framework for VR simulators’ use, regulating the transport safety management system, as a factor in the formation of anti-corruption competencies

UDK: 347.463:621.56.8

Nataliya V. Kuzina - leading researcher of the FSBES the Security Problems Studies Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, nvkuzina@mail.ru

Abstract. Despite the fact that it was in the field of transport almost a century ago that the method of training vehicle workers on simulators first appeared, in the context of the spread of methods of virtual reality and digitalization, there is still no clear legislative regulation, primarily in terms of the need to use the method of collective crew trainings using virtual and augmented reality technologies. The current paper has analyzed the causes of plane crashes (according to the Interstate Aviation Committee) arising as a result of inadequate interaction of aircraft crew members with automation and ground services, which often appear when the conditioned reflexes collide during an extreme situation. This also occurs as a result of retraining of specialists for the operation of other aircraft models, the lack of joint crew trainings on simulators. Indicative is the fact that in the documents of the Interstate Aviation Committee, as a rule, there is also data on the successful previous certification of the flight and ground personnel, whose actions caused the accident. In the context of a shortage of personnel in private and regional airlines, unfortunately, it is necessary to state the fact that obtaining documents confirming the competence of pilots is usually a result of the corruption schemes. It is necessary to legislatively consolidate for transport workers’ training the necessity of team training methods using virtual reality (VR), which will bring the work of the team as close as possible to various extreme situations, allow them to ‘feather in’, and also prevent corruption in assessing competencies and obtaining admission to transport activities (in particular, permission to fly).

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