Статьи рубрики | Transport security in professional education

Scientific specialties:

5.10.1. Theory and history of culture, art (philosophical sciences, cultural studies, art history)

Gennady Yu. Leshchov. The modern system of transport education in the context of transport safety management: problems and development prospects

UDK: 378.046.4:656.62.08

Gennady Yu. Leshchov - Candidate of Economic Sciences, deputy director on innovations of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has presented the analysis of the modern training system of specialists in the field of rail and road transport safety. The author has identified the main factors that negatively affect the implementation of educational programs for training specialists in the area under consideration. The paper has considered the necessity to develop standard basic vocational training programs in order to establish a single basic level of competence for railway workers directly related to train driving and maneuvers. There has been expressed a negative attitude towards the subject composition of economic entities that are training drivers of vehicles (driving schools), the content of programs for vocational training of drivers of vehicles of the corresponding categories and subcategories, etc. Also, there has been suggested to create a self-regulatory organization in order to ensure the efficiency and quality of training for persons who drive vehicles, uniting organizations that carry out relevant educational activities, etc.

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Anatoliy M. Skrynnik. The system of training, retraining and advanced training of senior management staff in the field of state management of marine economic activities: a brief historical and legal aspect

UDK: 378:339.5(075.8)

Anatoliy M. Skrynnik - Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department of procedural law of the law faculty of the South Russian Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), member of the Association of International Maritime Law

Abstract. The current paper has provided a brief excursion into the historical domain of the system of training and retraining of highly qualified staff in the field of state management of maritime economic activities in the USSR and the Russian Federation. There has been shown the role of the Academy of Water Transport, which trained personnel for the sea and river transport of the USSR in 1935―1941, and the Academy of the Navy, which trained senior staff for the sea transport of the USSR in 1946―1956. There has been considered the main activity of the faculties (later renamed to institutes) of advanced training of executives and specialists of the Ministry of the Navy at the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School named after S.O. Makarov and the Odessa Institute of Navy Engineers. There has been noted that since 1978, senior management staff for sea transport has been trained at the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (currently Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)). There has been suggested a scientifically grounded proposal that at present, senior management personnel for sea transport and maritime economic activities in general should be trained at the Russian University of Transport and State Maritime Universities.

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Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin. Problematic organizational, legal and educational aspects of the formation and improvement of anti-corruption competencies of participants in the training for a driving license

UDK: 378.6

Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin - Doctor of Law, professor, head of the department ‘Transport Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, supervisor of the direction ‘Transport security’ of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAS CSS RAS), honored scientist of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper has been prepared according to the results of the topic “Problems of increasing work efficiency on the formation and improvement of anti-corruption competencies of participants in the training for a driving license, as well as officials responsible for ensuring traffic safety”, reported by the author at a plenary session of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Directions for improving the system of continuing professional education for driving school teachers and practical training instructors”, which took place on September 8, 2021 at the discussion platform of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)). The paper has taken into account the results of the section work “Organizational and legal foundations and educational conditions for creating a system of continuous professional training for teachers and instructors of practical training in driving schools, other participants in the teaching for a driving license”, organized by the department ‘Transport Law’ of the Law Institute RUT (MIIT) and direction ‘Transport security’ of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The paper has presented the results of a systemic and legal analysis of the provisions and implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2018―2020 (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2018 No. 378) in comparison with problematic issues that have not been resolved, as well as the tasks set in the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2021―2024 (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2021 No. 478) in terms of the formation and improvement of anti-corruption competencies of officials endowed with corruption-dangerous powers. The subjects of scientific research, carried out on the basis of the application of the formal dogmatic method of legal research, are the norms of the current anti-corruption and educational legislation in order to identify promising areas for the participation of representatives of the scientific school “Transport Law” in the work on scientific support and organization of the educational process with the participants of transport legal relations. Based on the use of the methodology of systemic and legal analysis, the authors have studied the relations arising when implementing the tasks set to combat corruption in the Russian Federation, the experience of anti-corruption education. Based on the results of the study, there have been formulated conclusions on the feasibility and necessity to improve legal anti-corruption education, as well as certain promising areas of combating corruption in organizations participating in the training for a driving license. According to this there have been substantiated the proposals for further optimization of the system of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of educational activities in order to form and improve anti-corruption competencies among participants in training for a driving license, as well as officials responsible for ensuring road safety.

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Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin. Urgent directions and concerns of the formation and improvement of the legal culture of a transport specialist in modern conditions

UDK: 34:656

Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin - Doctor of Law, professor, head of the department “Transport Law” of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, supervisor of the direction “Transport security” of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAS CSS RAS)

Abstract. Based on the experience of the staff of the department “Transport Law” of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, the current paper has considered urgent issues of the formation and improvement of the legal culture of a transport specialist in the context of implementation of the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020 No. 474. Based on the application of the methods of formal dogmatic and systemic legal analysis, there have been made the conclusions that it is necessary to improve the efficiency of legal training and education of transport specialists. In this context, there have been identified the following legally significant competencies necessary for transport specialists to fulfill their professional duties: the formation of an anti-corruption legal culture; mastering of a complex of legal knowledge that meets the requirements to do their duties in the conditions of the reform of control and supervision activities; the formation of a system of continuous legal education within the framework of professional development in relation to civil servants; the formation of vocational education (training) of transport employees. Based on the results of the application of the methods of formal-legal and formal-logical study, there have been presented the conclusions regarding the necessity to take urgent measures to unify the terminology and mechanisms of legal education of transport specialists. The implementation of the proposals formulated in the current paper will provide an appropriate consistency degree to form legal competencies of both general cultural and professional nature among transport specialists, which are necessary for future transport specialists in their subsequent activities in modern conditions.

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Evgeniy Al. Nesterov. Expected future development of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

UDK: 378:656(082)

Evgeniy Al. Nesterov - Candidate of Law, head of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The legal component is one of the basic components of each type of socially significant activity, each sector of the economy, each complex of infrastructure. Legal norms are key resources for ensuring state development in all strategically important areas, including transport. In the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 (approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2008 No. 1734-r), one of the priority problems is “improvement of the regulatory framework to develop transport system and transport services’ market, including the development of regulatory and legal framework governing the improvement of transport services’ quality; ensuring the mobilization training of transport organizations and their fulfillment of military transport duties; ensuring the development of public-private partnership mechanisms that provide for a clear legislative distribution of rights, responsibilities and risks between the state and the investor, as well as defining the priority areas for application of these mechanisms in the field of transport”. In the Concept of transport personnel training until 2035 (approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2021 No. 255-r), the training of personnel for legal transport activities was included among the key tasks of the transport education development, and transport law was included in the list of issues that will take an important place in the educational and scientific agenda of transport educational organizations. A significant role has been assigned to transport and legal issues in the Development Program of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian University of Transport” until 2030 (approved by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation and signed by the rector of the Russian University of Transport in 2017). In addition to training specialists in law and law enforcement practices of various modes of transport, this Program has provided for establishing a systematic scholar school in the field of transport law; introducing the issues of legal support of international transport, multimodal interaction, the law of international transport organizations, technical regulations; ensuring the transport safety of the population.

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Ivan V. Kholikov. Project activity of students as a means of scientific support for the issues of the current legal support of transport security

UDK: 378.33:656

Ivan V. Kholikov - Doctor of Law, professor, professor of the department of state-juridical disciplines of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, deputy head of the direction ‘Transport security’ of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract. The current paper has provided an overview of the results of scientific activity through the execution of research projects of graduate students and students and their discussion in the process of competitive selection to improve knowledge on the problems of legal regulation of transport security in the context of increasing risks and threats of a global nature, the formation of students' competencies necessary for subsequent project activity. The author of the current paper, as an expert, has carried out a critical analysis of the research works of students who won prizes based on the results of summing up the results of the competition of student scientific projects “Problems of legal support for the implementation of industry transport policy and enforcing transport security in the face of modern challenges and threats”, held within the framework of the II International Congress “Transport security and law: XXI century” (April 21, 2021). Since the objectives of the competition were to identify and support talented and creatively active students and graduate students, to stimulate them to research and master educational programs of higher education, the system-legal analysis of the results of works performed by students can contribute to solving the problem of identifying contradictions and gaps in legislation that have significant theoretical and practical importance for enforcing transport security, substantiating proposals on the need to improve the regulatory legal framework for transport security, as well as optimizing scientific activities on these issues. The proposals formulated by the participants can also contribute to improving the system of scientific support for the problems of legal regulation of transport safety and security, based on unified methodological approaches to the development of a conceptual and categorical apparatus. Due to the fact that the solutions proposed in the works of students have a significant degree of relevance for the further development of transport and legal science in this area, their implementation is important for improving the system of scientific and educational work of students.

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Olga M. Zemlina, Regina K. Nazarova. Volunteer assistance to disabled people and people with limited mobility on transport: the experience with the involvement of students of the Russian University of Transport

UDK: 355.097.2:656

Olga M. Zemlina - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Transport Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport , honored worker of high professional education

Regina K. Nazarova - specialist of the Resource Training and Methodological Center for the training of disabled people and persons with disabilities, Director of the Social and Youth Policy Center of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper, using the methods of the systemic legal approach, has considered the topical issues of involving students of the Russian University of Transport in volunteering, motivating them in providing assistance to disabled people and people with limited mobility on transport. The paper pays significant attention to the analysis of the mechanism and methods of realizing the potential of the volunteer movement from the point of view of the possibilities for the formation of socially significant qualities in students, value orientations that correspond to the needs of society and the tasks of the development of the transport complex, as well as the skills of legal and cultural behavior of transport specialists. The paper substantiates the conclusion about the need to use the opportunities of volunteering as a means of self-development of the student's personality. There has been studied the work experience of the established ‘Resource Training and Methodological Center for the Training of Disabled People and Persons with Disabilities’, operating on the basis of the Russian University of Transport, the directions of increasing the efficiency of activities to create conditions for the accessibility of higher education for people with disabilities, and promoting their further employment. Sociological analysis made it possible to identify and assess the level of motivation and interest of participants in the volunteering in training under the programs implemented at the Russian University of Transport. Due to it there were drawn appropriate conclusions regarding the incentives of students, including the most significant and widespread desire to help people, the wish to feel needed, the desire to master new skills and acquire skills, which fully meets the requirements for the results of the educational process at the Russian University of Transport. This fully applies to such an area as the assistance of volunteers in ensuring the mobility of people with disabilities at railway infrastructure facilities. Based on the results of the study, there has been concluded that it is important to attract students of the Russian University of Transport to participate in the volunteering for the implementation of the tasks set in the Concept for training personnel for the transport complex until 2035, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2021 No. 255-r.

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Nikolay Al. Dukhno. The reasons for the transport education development

UDK: 378:656

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Director of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport , honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The special properties of the transport industry are the main factor that requires the formation of transport education, the content and form of which can provide training for specialists in the demanded transport professions. Transport education is a special type of educational activity that has the properties of educating transport workers, and can be fully developed if the strengthening of communication between transport universities and practical units of the transport complex will be carried out under the control of a single executive authority in the field of transport. The shortcomings of domestic education impede the education of transport workers and result in losses. The way to get rid of them is the development of transport education according to the new way proposed by the author of the current paper. Transport education, with its new content, can become the main means of educating true specialists capable of achieving the goals set in state program documents.

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Sergey L. Lobachev. The state and prospects for the development of the functioning of the student’s personal account in the electronic information and educational environment of the university on the example of the Russian University of Transport

UDK: 378.1

Sergey L. Lobachev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the department ‘Information Technologies in Jurisprudence and management documentation’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Specialists have been dealing with the development of the information and educational environment of the university and the education system in Russia for about 25 years. During this period, the relevance of this issue has changed a lot, and electronic information and educational environments (EIEE) of universities have become real only due to an appropriate regulatory framework. However, the development of EIEE until 2020 was carried out mainly in order to ensure compliance with regulatory documents. The implementation of the educational process was carried out using distance learning systems (DLS), many of which were developed and implemented long before the emergence of EIEE in universities. The situation changed dramatically in 2020, and this led to a reconsidering of many existing provisions in conditions of time pressure. EIEE turned out to be unable to provide significant assistance to universities in the context of the epidemic, since they were not an instrument of the educational process, but information showcases for regulatory authorities. The experience gained in 2020 made it possible to analyze how successfully EIEE cope with support of the educational process, and outline ways to improve them. In the current work there was made an attempt to generalize the proposals for improving the EIEE of the Russian University of Transport (RUT), developed by students of the Law Institute RUT. The data presented in the work were the results of studying course works completed in the fall of 2020. Each student could make any number of proposals. The conducted analysis made it possible to break down all proposals into three categories: technical revision, supply EIEE with functions like the LMS, and information contents. The analysis made it possible to outline two ways for the further development of the EIEE in RUT and highlight one of them, which can ensure the development of EIEE without the risk of disrupting the educational process and further integration of the university into a promising industry information environment.

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Nikolay Al. Dukhno, Anna Al. Chebotareva. Transport and Law Forum: an annual, international and leading scientific event of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

UDK: 347.463

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Director of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Anna Al. Chebotareva - Doctor of Law, docent, head of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has given an excursion covering the history of the International Transport and Law Forum, which was organized by the department ‘Administrative Law, ecological law, information law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport . The forum was initiated by the head of the department, Doctor of Law, Anna Aleksandrovna Chebotareva, when realizing the importance of the growing urgent problems of introducing new digitalization technologies and artificial intelligence into the transport industry. In 2019 there was held the first International Transport and Law Forum, where there was decided to hold it annually in order to discuss legal problems that are constantly increasing as a result of the introduction of digitalization technologies into the transport systems of different countries, which are interconnected by transportation. There has been presented a brief overview of research works made at the third International Transport and Law Forum, held on February 10, 2021 at the Law Institute . The forum dealt with urgent legal problems related to the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of transport activities. The scientific results obtained at the forum attracted the attention of practicing researchers and students of transport universities.

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