Статьи рубрики | Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations

Scientific specialty:

5.1.2. Public law (state law) sciences (legal sciences)

Pavel V. Agapov, Sergey V. Borisov. Anti-terrorist security of the Russian transport complex in the field of prosecutors’ supervision

UDK: 343.341.1/342.3:656

Pavel V. Agapov - Doctor of Law, professor, senior researcher of the department ‘Scientific support for prosecutor's supervision and strengthening the law in the sphere of federal security, interethnic relations, counteraction to extremism’ of the Research Institute of the University of the R.F. Prosecutor General’s Office, senior counselor of justice

Sergey V. Borisov - Candidate of law, docent, researcher of the Research Institute of the University of the R.F. Prosecutor General’s Office, senior counselor of justice

Abstract. On the basis of the current legislation and law enforcement practice, the current paper has considered the problems of anti-terrorist security of the Russian transport complex in the field of prosecutors’ supervision. There has been made a conclusion that prosecutors’ supervision over the enforcement of laws on counter transport terrorism, anti-terrorist security of transport complex facilities is still of great urgency caused by such modern challenges and threats as the activities of international terrorist organizations, cyber terrorism, further aging and deterioration of Russian transport, problems with the staff and its training, violation of the use of airspace by general aviation and drones, massive cases of deliberately false reports of terrorist acts, lack of proper control over the use of foreign labor at transport facilities, etc.

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Dato R. Makharadze. The application results of the July 13, 2015 No. 246-ФЗ Federal Law in the Department of State Automobile and Road Supervision

UDK: 351.811.12

Dato R. Makharadze - senior state inspector of the Department of State Automobile and Road Supervision of the Rostransnadzor

Abstract. The current paper has analyzed the introduction of a number of significant amendments to the Federal Law “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control”. The authors have studied the results of the weakening of the control impact on legal entities and entrepreneurs in the field of automobile transport and road economy. The paper has analyzed the changes in the existing way of interaction of the control and supervisory authority with economy entities by introducing holidays for small and medium-sized businesses and the transition to a risk-based approach in state control. The paper has considered the practice of creating a checklist taking into account the risk level of an economic entity, introducing transport control information systems based on the risk-based approach method and allowing remote monitoring of entities, contactless interaction with entities, and making decisions on supervisory response measures. Based on the application of systematic legal analysis methods, there have been studied the results of the planned inspections conducted by the Rostransnadzor. There has been estimated the statistical data on holding persons administratively liable since 2015. There has been also considered the efficiency of such a form of control and supervision activity as planned (raid) inspections of vehicles, which are carried out without interaction with economic entities. According to the study results there have been determined the directions of further study of the issue.

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Vladimir Al. Iliin. Comparative analysis of amendments in the Federal Law «On Transport Security» with regard to maritime transport

UDK: 347.463:656.61

Vladimir Al. Iliin - chief specialist of the Transport Security Support Devision of the Security Management Department of FSUE ‘Rosmorport, kokso@mail.com

Abstract. The current paper has presented the analysis of amendments in the regulatory legal framework for enforcing transport security with regard to maritime transport. Due to the applied methodology of legal analysis using the achievements of transport and legal science, there have been considered a critical understanding of the innovations in the legislation on transport security and their possible consequences for maritime transport. The incentive to write the current paper was the issued in August 2019 Federal Law No. 270-ФЗ “On Amendments in the Federal Law “On Transport Security” and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Providing Transport Security”. The law necessitated adjustments to the organization of work of transport infrastructure entities to enforce security of operating transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles of all modes of transport. The aforementioned Federal Law has made significant changes, for example, in the basic concepts, cancellation of categorization, vulnerability assessment, transport security requirements, planning and implementation of measures to ensure transport security, rights and obligations of transport infrastructure entities, training and certification of transport security staff, etc. At the same time, after coming into force of certain provisions of the Federal Law “On Transport Security” on January 30, 2020, the issue of fulfilling transport security requirements has still remained unclear for transport infrastructure entities (carriers) in maritime transport because of absence of by-laws and regulations that take into account the amendments in legislation. In this regard, taking into consideration the existing lag of by-laws, the current paper has explained the main provisions of the amendments with regard to maritime transport. There has been conducted the analysis of their effect on implementation of the requirements of the legislation in enforcing transport security, and has been made corresponding conclusions. According to the formal legal analysis of the provisions of the Federal Law “On Transport Security”, taking into account the amendments, the current paper has considered the problematic issues related to the extension of the requirements established by the new version of the norms of this act to almost all vessels used for merchant shipping.

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Olga M. Zemlina., Maksim M. Gaditsky. Legal characteristics of anti-terrorism security of railway transport

UDK: 343.34

Olga M. Zemlina - Candidate of law, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Transport Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored worker of high professional education of the Russian Federation, member of the direction ‘Transport security’, an expert of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAS CSS RAS)

Maksim M. Gaditsky - Master’s Degree student of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered some factors of the current increase in terrorism on railway transport, which is characteristic not only for Russia, but also becoming universal. The authors of the current study have used formal legal analysis tools and a systematic and legal approach. The current paper has identified the essential features of legal categories that are in a gender-specific relationship and dependent on the concept of “transport security” legalized in Russian law. As a result, the authors have formulated a definition of “anti-terrorist security of an object” being a part of the concept of "transport security". They consider that "transport security" is always considered in the narrow sense of the word, characteristic of the legal interpretation of the analyzed term; and it includes only the protection of transport infrastructure from terrorist crimes and does not affect other illegal actions that could have a negative impact on the degree of security and, accordingly, the efficiency of the transport complex and the transport system of Russia. According to the analysis of the issues of legal regulation of various aspects which enforce security of transport the authors have made a reasonable conclusion about their obvious omissionship and, in part, contradiction, which determines the necessity to resolve these problems of positive law in Russia. The current paper contains definitions of the constituent elements of terrorist criminality in railway transport. There has been substantiated the necessity to improve the anti-terrorism security of railway by establishing the priority of an interagency integrated approach. There has been proposed a set of measures to eliminate the terrorist threat. In particular, there has been proposed to consider the anti-terrorism security of railway transport as an independent direction of the state’s criminal policy.

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Ivan S. Tushko. Transport security on urban road transport: problems and their solutions

UDK: 629.362

Ivan S. Tushko - head of the Transport Security Department of the SUE "Passazhiravtotrans" (Saint-Petersburg)

Abstract. Transport security is of great importance in the transport system of Russia, with annually attracts more and more attention of the state and the transport community. The ongoing processes, including those with negative consequences such as human victims because of terrorist acts, make everyone realize the importance of measures to enforce security when traveling by transport. The current study deals with research of the current state of transport security enforcement and anti-terrorism protection of public urban road transport; identification of practical problems in the implementation of existing legislation, and analysis of the adequacy of the measures taken by the state and transport infrastructure entities. An important role in the study is played by the search for solutions to the identified practical problems that are of particular relevance while ensuring the stable and safe functioning of the transport complex.

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Maksim V. Trushin, Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin. Fundamental approaches and theoretical fundamentals of counteracting corruption in the organizations set up to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation (on the example of JSC «Russian Railways»)

UDK: 342.5:656

Maksim V. Trushin - deputy head of the Center of Anti-Corruption Activities of JSCo "RZD"

Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin - Doctor of law, professor, head of the department of Transport Law of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, supervisor of the direction of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAS CSS RAS)

Abstract. The railway complex is of particular strategic importance to Russia. It is a connecting link of the unified economic system, and it ensures stable operation of industrial enterprises, timely delivery of vital goods to the most remote areas of the country, and it is also the most affordable mode of transport for millions of citizens. The current paper has considered the approaches and fundamentals of counteracting corruption in the organizations set up to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation. There have been shown a role and importance of the main directions of government policy in the field of counteracting corruption and the procedure for implementing measures aimed at identifying processes and systematizing the causes, conditions and circumstances of corruption. There has been identified an absence of a unified anti-corruption legislation and direct norms of action related to employees in the organizations set up to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation. There has been determined a necessity for a unified approach to the implementation of the principles of preventing and counteracting corruption. In this regard, there has been substantiated a need to improve legislation in the field of prevention and counteraction to corruption.

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Oksana Iv. Mamina. Digitalization of state control (supervision) in the field of transport as a direction of modern reform of control and supervision activities

UDK: 656

Oksana Iv. Mamina - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department of Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. As part of the reform of enforcement activities in Russia, the automation of this activity through the operation of relevant information resources has been considered as one of the urgent facets to improve the interaction of enforcement agencies and persons. The large-scale digitalization of enforcement activities in the field of transport, which already uses a risk-based approach, is aimed at reducing the costs of controlled objects, increasing the efficiency of information exchange, as well as the efficiency and transparency of state control (supervision). The current paper presents and explores the provisions of individual acts of government, the implementation of which is aimed at the gradual implementation of information-analytical systems and services in the enforcement activities of the Rostransnadzor and other federal executive bodies.

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Olga R. Afanasieva. Administrative and legal regulation of transport security

UDK: 342.95

Olga R. Afanasieva - Doctor of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, afanasevaor@yandex.ru

Abstract. Transport security is a relatively new administrative and legal institution, the emergence of which is associated with the adoption of the Government regulation, defining the issues of Russian Ministry of Transport. Despite the fact that this legal category is not only legally identified, but also defined in the current Federal Law of February 9, 2007 No. 16-ФЗ "On Transport Security", the discussions in the scientific literature are going on: its legal definition, the possibility of use in the science and law enforcement activity as the synonym for such categories as "safety at transport facilities", "safety at transport", "safety of transport infrastructure", which, despite their similarities, are often used in their own content different from "transport security"; the main structural elements of "transport security"; its relationship with other types of security, etc. The current paper substantiates the allocation of transport security as one of the types of national security; determines a means to achieve socio-economic and foreign policy goals of our country; considers its essence and content as one of the subjects of administrative regulation. As a component of legal measures, the author has presented a set of administrative and legal measures intended for the legal regulation of public relations arising at the objects of transport infrastructure and means of railway, air, sea, river and other modes of transportation to counteract unlawful interference in the activities of transport infrastructure as well as the elimination of their consequences. The current paper reveals the difficulties arising in connection with the implementation of administrative measures, provides a system of regulatory legal acts, through the implementation of which modern administrative and legal support for transport security in Russia can be carried out.

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Larisa L. Polionskaya, Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin. Urgent issues of preventing and resolving conflicts of interest in the organizations established to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation (on the example of JSC «Russian Railways»)

UDK: 35.083

Larisa L. Polionskaya - head of the Coordination and Legal Support department of the Center of Anti-Corruption Activities of JSCo "RZD"

Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin - Doctor of law, professor, head of the department of Transport Law of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, supervisor of the direction of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAS CSS RAS)

Abstract. Based on the application of systematic legal and formal-dogmatic approaches, the current paper has analyzed Russian anti-corruption legislation, considered the papers of representatives of scientific schools, and studied law enforcement practice relevant to the subject of the study. There has been concluded that the attention paid in the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2018–2020 to the application of legal mechanisms to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest was well-founded, since the task has been now set to find new methods of preventing and resolving conflicts of interest not only in public service, but also in organizations established to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation. There has been considered the experience of JSC «Russian Railways» in taking systemic measures, developing and applying methodological recommendations. The obtained result can contribute to the distribution of the Russian Railways’ experience, which can have a positive effect in improving Russian anti-corruption legislation.

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Aleksandr P. Ovechkin. Currency and legal status of transport organizations as residents in the system of currency legal relations

UDK: 347.752:656

Aleksandr P. Ovechkin - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, professor of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The analysis of the development of modern international relations convincingly shows that transport organizations are becoming more and more active participants in these relations, carrying out the transportation process of passengers and goods, and therefore, they are all more actively involved in the system of currency legal relations. In this perspective, the study of their currency and legal status is of great relevance. In the current paper the currency and legal status of transport organizations has been considered as a set of general, special and additional rights and obligations, as well as liability for violations of currency legislation. At the same time, there has been analyzed the currency and legal status of only those transport organizations that are residents in accordance with Russian currency legislation. The current paper discusses both the theoretical aspects of the problem and the problems of law enforcement practice, as well as some recommendations. The methodological basis were the works of leading experts in the field of currency law. The normative basis are the currency legislation acts, the acts of currency regulation bodies and the acts of currency control bodies. Writing the paper, the author relied on the dialectical method of cognition, and on such special methods of scientific knowledge as systemic and comparative analysis.

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