
Larisa L. Polionskaya. Urgent issues of preventing and resolving conflicts of interest in the organizations set up to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation and organizations in general

UDK: 342.5:656

Larisa L. Polionskaya - head of the Coordination and Legal Support department of the Center of Anti-Corruption Activities of JSCo “RZD”

Abstract. Based on the application of the methods of systemic legal and formal dogmatic approaches, the current paper has analyzed the Russian anti-corruption legislation, critically evaluated the conclusions made in the works of representatives of various scientific schools, law enforcement practice correlated with the subject of the study, improvement of the legal anti-corruption mechanisms. Using the tools of legal research, the author of the paper has analyzed the sufficiency and efficiency of a set of anti-corruption measures, traditional for the anti-corruption practice of Russian business, including measures aimed at preventing and resolving conflicts of interest, which all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, industry affiliation, starting with 2013, were obliged to develop and accept. There has been considered in particular detail the experience of JSCo "RZD" in taking systemic measures in this area; there has been analyzed their efficiency and applicability for the implementation of state anti-corruption policy in state corporations, organizations established to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation, public societies and organizations with state participation. The result obtained during the study has provided an opportunity to broadcast the positive experience of Russian Railways, which, in turn, could contribute to solving the main tasks set by the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2019-2020, resolving problematic issues of improving the present Russian anti-corruption legislation.

Keywords: prevention of corruption; anti-corruption legislation; conflict of interests; improvement of legal anti-corruption mechanisms.


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