Latest Issue

Issue №1(53) (1st quarter of 2025)

#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations

1 Use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Russian civil aviation system
2 Critical analysis of individual provisions of the Federal Law “On the safe-ty of people on water bodies”
3 Transport security enforcement at metro facilities: imbalance in law
4 Legislative regulation of high-speed railway transport in the Russian Federation and enforcement of its security
5 On some issues of legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of public transport mobility

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes

6 Is train surfing a prank or a crime?
7 Determinants of transport crimes and preventive measures
8 Issues of investigating road traffic accidents caused by dangerous (aggressive) driving
9 Confiscation of vehicles from persons with disabilities who broke traffic rules being intoxicated
10 Leaving a child inside a car: legal liability and crime prevention (comparative legal analysis)
11 Violations of the rules for military machine driving and operating during special military and counter-terrorist operations: qualification issues
12 Illegal arms trafficking in transport as a current criminal threat

#Legal framework of national security

13 On the destructive role of diasporas when enforcing security of the Russian Federation in the migration sphere
14 National interests of the Russian Federation in the field of railway security enforcement
15 Mass riots as a threat to public safety of the Russian Federation
16 Topical issues and legal framework of Russia’s national interests in the Arctic

#Maritime Law

17 Problems of legal regulation of the activities of subjects of legal relations in maritime insurance in Russia

Journal Transport law and security, Issue 53

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