Статьи рубрики | Transport security in professional education

Scientific specialties:

5.10.1. Theory and history of culture, art (philosophical sciences, cultural studies, art history)

Sergey L. Lobachev. The project of the Network Transport University in the context of educational processes in 2020

UDK: 378.1

Sergey L. Lobachev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the department ‘Information Technologies in Jurisprudence and Management Documentation’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the readiness of educational organizations in the transport industry to form a sectoral information and educational environment and its practical implementation, namely a network sectoral transport university. There has been noted that the regulatory framework provides the possibility of a network educational process, but the possibility of integration of transport universities at the program-technological level was not clear until recently. The situation was significantly affected by the processes of 2020, when universities inevitably had to organize the educational process using distance learning technologies, which resulted in establishing distance learning platforms to analyze mutual integration. In addition, the overwhelming majority of teachers have gained experience in the practical use of distance technologies in the educational process, which allowed us to speak about the formation of competencies necessary to provide the project of a network sectoral transport university with the teaching staff. The current paper has discussed the reasons for practical implementation of such a university precisely in the context of the events of 2020. There has been noted that virtual bodies of educational institutions in the structure of a network university are distance learning systems of participating universities, and the obvious predominance of the Moodle platform among transport universities provides the possibility to implement almost any protocols and regulations required for the practical implementation of the project. There has been argued that in 2020 there were formed necessary conditions for the establishment of a network industry university, although it is still necessary to solve the economic and methodological problems facing this project, but such issues are beyond the scope of the current paper.

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Nikolay Al. Dukhno. Quality of transport education

UDK: 656(082)

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Director of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper has considered the problems of assessing the quality of education which is identified by the level of education of transport universities’ graduates. The drawbacks in the methods of assessing the education of specialists who have obtained higher education, have become the reason for a formal approach to the criteria that determine the quality of transport education. The level of quality of transport education will increase when it becomes possible to introduce a system into the development process that contributes to the real improvement of enlightenment. The system does not limit the changes with one or two ways, it applies their combination and close connection, which will provide an integrated, systematic approach to the real achievement of high training of specialists demanded by transport industry. The proposed system requires its development, deep study by specialists who will be involved into the process of transport education improvement. A high moral worldview, worthy financial support, reliable legal regulations will contribute to the implementation of new methods in the development of transport education.

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Sergey L. Lobachev, Oleg An. Malygin. Overview of distance learning platforms for the Russia’s transport universities

UDK: 378.1

Sergey L. Lobachev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the department ‘Information Technologies in Jurisprudence and management documentation’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Oleg An. Malygin - senior lecturer of the department ‘Information Technologies in Jurisprudence and management documentation’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has considered the particular relevance of the implementation and use of distance learning systems (hereinafter referred to as DLS) in the educational process of transport universities in Russia, since this sphere is characterized with the territorial distribution and remoteness of its specialists from educational centers. Under these conditions, the transport education system should provide an advanced training opportunity for employees of the industry not only throughout the Russian Federation, but also anywhere in the world. Therefore, there has been raised a question about the analysis of decisions taken by transport universities in terms of the implementation of various DLS. Such a review and subsequent analysis of the made decisions will allow developing recommendations for their mutual integration and the formation of interuniversity programs of transport education in the context of the digitalization of the industry. The analysis of 20 universities in the transport industry has shown, that the Moodle platform was a dominant one both in its pure form and in the form of DLS, where the software add-ons were added to the basic configuration, which allowed hiding its technological features and providing users with an intuitive interface formed for each category of users. There has been established that a number of DLS platforms, which often appear in the lists of the most popular when organizing corporate training, were not included in the list of DLS used by universities. The revealed division of the sectors of corporate and higher distance learning at the level of the used platforms can serve as an obstacle to the formation of an industry educational environment, since the integration of higher education with corporate training is one of the promising areas in the training of the 21st century specialists, but it can be compensated for by access to open source dominant platform Moodle.

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Nikolay Al. Dukhno. Philosophy of Transport Education

UDK: 656(082)

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Director of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT), honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper has considered existing problems of the transport education being formed in new economic relations, when the circumstances that induce the development of new approaches to improving the quality of transport specialists’ training, become obvious. The current paper has presented the author's conclusions based on personal perception of the educational process in the system of domestic education. The general culture is being changed under the influence of education, but if the education process is not included in its process, the public enlightenment will not improve and the trained specialists will be unable to solve the tasks set by the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation. Transport education will not be able to develop fruitfully without improvement of the general education, the state of which largely determines the level of culture and the preparedness of school leavers to continue their studies at universities. There have been proposed the ways and methods to establish specialized transport schools based on the experience of those that exist in this country. There has been proposed to improve the mechanisms of transport education financing to develop it efficiently.

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Vasiliy N. Gutsulyak. Maritime Law as a conventional academic discipline

UDK: 341.24

Vasiliy N. Gutsulyak - Doctor of Law, professor, head of the department ‘Maritime law’ of the of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honorary worker of the Navy, president of the International Maritime Law Association

Abstract. One of the features of training future transport fleet commanders in higher education programs is that, along with educational diplomas, they must also receive professional diplomas/certificates for occupying a particular position on the vessel. The content of these programs, qualification requirements, the procedure for issuing such diplomas (certification), minimum standards of competency and other related issues are regulated not only and not so much by Russian legislation as by International Law, which are present in special international treaties, in transport conventions. The main role among them belongs to the International Convention on the Training and Certification of Sailors and Watchkeepers in 1978, substantially amended and supplemented in 1995 and 2010. This Convention is known among experts under the acronym TCSW (sometimes TCW). The Russian Federation is also a member of the Convention. In this regard, the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education in the specialty “Navigation” of 2018 has established that the specialization program in this area is implemented taking into account the requirements of the TCW Convention and the Maritime Labor Convention 2006. According to the requirements of the TCSW Convention, one of the most important disciplines that should be studied by future professional sailors is Maritime Law. Without a deep knowledge of the provisions of Maritime Law, a future transport officer cannot be awarded with a professional diploma. First of all, it is in this sense that Maritime Law is a conventional academic discipline. The current paper has examined the genesis of conventional requirements for the level of training of sailors, including those related to Maritime Law. The current paper has focused on the TCSW Convention, which has undergone a major evolution from its issue in 1978 to subsequent amendments in 1995 and 2010. The author has analyzed the provisions of the TCSW Code, which are connected with the requirements for the qualification of fleet commanders in the field of Maritime Law, and there has been considered the basic minimum competency standards in this regard. As a result, there has been summarized that the requirements for knowledge of the provisions of Maritime Law stand out when assessing the qualifications of candidates for professional maritime diplomas/certificates both at the management level (captains and senior command personnel of the vessels) and at the operational level (watchkeeping officers and watchkeeping mechanics). The final part of the current paper has presented the main conclusions on the studied issue.

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Nikolay Al. Dukhno. Artificial intelligence technologies in transport education

UDK: 004.8:378:656

Nikolay Al. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Director of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper has considered the new needs of the development of transport education based on the introduction of artificial intelligence in the process of transport specialists training. The nowadays capabilities of artificial intelligence technologies require a significant change in the methods of specialists’ training, subordinating them to the formation of transport competencies of a new generation. Adopted at the end of 2019, the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period until 2030 creates a guiding basis to develop and implement artificial intelligence in the field of transport education. The strategy predetermines the development of an artificial intelligence law and the creation of a legal framework sufficient to regulate relations in the field of the use of artificial intelligence in the educational process. Legal support will contribute to the creation of fruitful conditions for the full implementation of artificial intelligence in training. Transport education, transformed with the help of artificial intelligence technologies, will accompany the transport industry, providing it with the best specialists who are able to fully solve the tasks set by the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation.

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Mikhail V. Klenov. Training of qualified transport security specialists in the context youth policy

UDK: 378.018.43:656

Mikhail V. Klenov - Candidate of Medicine, vice-rector of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper deals with the main provisions contained in the report at the International Congress “Transport Law and Transport Security: XXI Century”, held on March 25, 2020 at the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) as a part of ‘Week of Science-2020’ to discuss the urgent problems of legal support of transport security in the face of nowadays challenges, analysis of the experience of enforcing transport security by legal means, refinement of approaches to determining the most promising areas of research in transport law in relation to the problem of security. The current paper has analyzed the importance of the formation of professional competencies in the field of transport security among students of the Russian University of Transport as a factor which ensures self-determination and career growth of young transport specialists, and considers the role of training as a career prospects for young transport specialists. Based on the analysis of the current situation and development directions of the Russian University of Transport as a basic educational institution of that direction, a general transport scientific, educational and methodological center, there have been formulated some suggestions how to improve the youth policy areas, to ensure the relationship of organizational and legal incentives for self-development of the student’s personality and the young specialist, to form mechanisms of professional competencies of a transport worker. That has been suggested in the interests of ensuring the security of the Russian transport system in accordance with the priorities, goals and objectives of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 in the current stage of development of the digital economy and transport of Russia.

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Irina S. Shchadilova, Galina An. Smirnova. Self-Myofascial Release of transport industry employees

UDK: 796

Irina S. Shchadilova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian University of Transport

Galina An. Smirnova - senior lecturer of the department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian University of Transport, ishchad@mail.ru

Abstract. In modern Russia, human resources are the main productive factor for economic development and growth in the country, and ensuring long-term capacity, longevity is one of the most important tasks in the country. The development of new programs and complexes of physical exercises, aimed not only at developing the physical qualities of a person, but also at the possibility after a hard working day spent in unfavorable conditions (with noise, vibrations of various types, in night shifts) to minimize immense loads for the body are of urgent necessity. The current paper has considered the modern system of health-improving practice, namely “myofascial release” (MFR) and substantiated the possibility of independent use in everyday life by all transport specialists. There has been given a brief description of the methodology, features, goals and the impact that this methodology could have on the physical condition of a person. The presented complex of relaxation and recreational exercises will make it possible to become a universal remedy to prevent injuries at work and in domestic conditions. The methodology of myofascial relaxation consists of specific rolling of selected body muscles rested on the roller. Only after some adaptation of the pain body parts and with the weakening of muscle pain, the pressure should be gradually increased which will result in the rise of the relaxation effect.

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Elena V. Tsukanova. A stress as a destructive psycho-emotional condition and a risk factor while driving

UDK: 159.942.2

Elena V. Tsukanova - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, professor of the department of Methodology of Law and Legal Communication of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has analyzed a stress as a destructive psycho-emotional condition experienced by people in extreme life situations. There have been considered the essential characteristics, features, factors and mechanisms of a stress, as well as its behavioral, activity, psychophysiological, cognitive and emotional manifestations. Special attention has been paid to the analysis of a stress as a risk factor in the professional activities of transport operators. There have been considered the specific stress factors experienced by operators in the most stressful driving situations on river and sea, underwater, air, space, rail. The information presented in the current paper can be used in the process of diagnosing and estimating the functional condition of driving staff for the professional selection of the transport personnel, while quickly resolving the issue of access to work on a vehicle in special and extreme situations. Taking into account the extreme importance of occupational stress as a factor that reduces the efficiency and safety of vehicle driving and provokes accidents, there have been formulated the urgent issues to develop psychological support for transportation safety.

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Olga L. Postol, Vera S. Babina. The complex use of oriental health gymnastics in order to increase the stress resistance of future transport specialists

UDK: 615.8

Olga L. Postol - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department "Physical Training and Sport" of the Russian University of Transport

Vera S. Babina - lecturer of the Law College of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Health preservation and improvement of the students of transport universities, the formation of a healthy lifestyle are the most important tasks of physical education at the Russian University of Transport. Annually the requirements for transport industry specialists and their psychophysical readiness for professional activities are constantly increasing. This is caused by the complex influence of the negative environmental effects at the workplace. They are electromagnetic radiation, special sound modes, constant mechanical vibration, unfavorable environmental conditions, environmental pollution by chemical transport emissions, which ultimately lead to negative effects on the body of a transport worker, especially on his nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory systems. The current paper has proposed a program for transport university students with the complex use of non-traditional health-improving gymnastics (qigong, yoga, taijiquan (eight pieces of brocade), arm and palm gymnastics by Yoshiro Tsutsumi, Tabata system exercises, breathing and joint gymnastics, etc.) in combination with domestic physical exercises (elements of gymnastics, outdoor games, athletics exercises, etc.). In the Russian University of Transport on the basis of the department “Methodology of Law and Legal Communication” (“Physical Culture” section) there was conducted pedagogical experiment with the participation of the Law Institute students from 2015 to 2019. The students of the experimental group engaged in the developed recovery methodology showed very high test results (P <0.01) at the end of the experiment. Thus, there has been proved an efficiency of this technique using oriental gymnastics, which favored the improvement of the body condition, psychophysical and physical condition, and health in general. The exercises with elements of non-traditional health-improving gymnastics had a very beneficial effect on the body of students, preventing diseases, increasing levels of human performance and stress resistance. The recovery program also contributed to the implementation of the functional, psychological and physical preparation of students of RUT for future professional activities.

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