
Sergey L. Lobachev. The project of the Network Transport University in the context of educational processes in 2020

UDK: 378.1

Sergey L. Lobachev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the department ‘Information Technologies in Jurisprudence and Management Documentation’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the readiness of educational organizations in the transport industry to form a sectoral information and educational environment and its practical implementation, namely a network sectoral transport university. There has been noted that the regulatory framework provides the possibility of a network educational process, but the possibility of integration of transport universities at the program-technological level was not clear until recently. The situation was significantly affected by the processes of 2020, when universities inevitably had to organize the educational process using distance learning technologies, which resulted in establishing distance learning platforms to analyze mutual integration. In addition, the overwhelming majority of teachers have gained experience in the practical use of distance technologies in the educational process, which allowed us to speak about the formation of competencies necessary to provide the project of a network sectoral transport university with the teaching staff. The current paper has discussed the reasons for practical implementation of such a university precisely in the context of the events of 2020. There has been noted that virtual bodies of educational institutions in the structure of a network university are distance learning systems of participating universities, and the obvious predominance of the Moodle platform among transport universities provides the possibility to implement almost any protocols and regulations required for the practical implementation of the project. There has been argued that in 2020 there were formed necessary conditions for the establishment of a network industry university, although it is still necessary to solve the economic and methodological problems facing this project, but such issues are beyond the scope of the current paper.

Keywords: distance educational technologies; distance learning platforms; integration of educational programs; educational consortium; network university.


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