UDK: 656.1
Ekaterina Iv. Kobzeva - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department ‘Theory of law, history of law and international law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport
Mikhail V. Morgunov - assistant judge, judicial section of the magistrate No. 290 of the Perovo district
Aleksandr V. Romanov - lawyer of the Transport company "Byte Transit Continent"
Abstract. The purpose of the current paper was to consider topical issues related to the development of an accessible environment for people with disabilities and people with limited mobility. The paper has examined and analyzed statistics, regulations and changes in them, the pros and cons of government measures. The authors have revealed the relationship between the concepts of "a disabled person" and "a person with limited mobility". The consideration of problematic issues has not been limited only by theory or legislation. There have been also provided concrete examples of how to create an accessible environment in all its variety. There has been made a particular emphasis on the analysis of the results of the implementation of the "Accessible Environment" program, which is being implemented at all levels of government and administration. There has been analyzed suburban railway transport. There has been also considered foreign experience where the emphasis was made on the technological component. Taking into account all these aspects, the authors have set the task of developing effective measures to eliminate gaps and deficiencies in legislation, and the experience of other states should be borrowed taking into account local specifics.
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