
Tatiana An. Polyakova, Aleksey Ig. Khimchenko. Formation of an unmanned transport system: issues of public policy implementation, enforcement of information security and legal regulation

UDK: 347.823.4

Tatiana An. Polyakova - Doctor of Law, professor, acting head of the sector of information law and international information security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary lawyer of the Russian Federation

Aleksey Ig. Khimchenko - Candidate of Law, applicant of the sector of information law and international information security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary lawyer of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper has considered the legal issues connected with the increasing importance of the use of unmanned vehicle technology. There have been analyzed the features, trends and approaches to expand the application of these technologies. There has been made an analysis of the international practice of several countries being initiative to legislatively regulate relations arising with the participation of highly automated and unmanned vehicles and their operation. There has been studied the current Russian legislation, program documents and strategic planning documents in the field of legal regulation of unmanned transport technologies. The current paper has focused on the relevance of the issues of ensuring the confidentiality of personal data of drivers and users of vehicles, enforcing the information security of the information infrastructure of unmanned vehicles and the developing information systems, including the security of information about traffic users, and ensuring protection against cyber attacks. Based on the study results of regulatory trends and issues, as well as for solving the upcoming tasks in the development of unmanned transport technologies, there have been formed the recommendations on the issues of legal regulation of new unmanned transport technologies.

The study was financially supported by the Russian Federal Property Fund, research project 18029-16013.

Keywords: unmanned transport; Traffic Rules; intelligent transport system; digital model of the road.


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