
Aleksey V. Gubin. The development of promising models of road and maritime checkpoints across the state border

UDK: 339.9:347.463

Aleksey V. Gubin - Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department ‘Customs Law and Organization of the Customs Affairs’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the concept of an intelligent checkpoint and its introduction in the form of developing promising models of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation. There have been presented strategic directions and concepts in this area. The purpose of the paper was to analyze the results achieved in the development of promising models and identify further directions for their implementation both through the prism of the practice of the FCS of Russia and other state control bodies exercising control (supervision) at the customs checkpoints, and for conducting scientific research. It is obvious that the state of checkpoints is a constraining factor in the growth of foreign trade of goods. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account the development of the transit potential of the territory of the Russian Federation. There is no doubt that the promising models of checkpoints should incorporate all advanced customs and other technologies, e.g. the use of inspection systems and other modern technical means of customs control; devices for automatic video and photographic recording, including vehicle numbers; automated or automatic dispatching of the movement of vehicles across the checkpoint; use of electronic seals GLONASS. Such a large number of complex tools and technologies that will form large amounts of data, requires an effective control system, the core of which should be a unified database system. The fundamental point is the transition to a qualitatively new level of automation, based on “artificial intelligence”. In the future, unmanned vehicles must pass through checkpoints non-stop (in the absence of customs and other risks) with minimal human participation. There have been identified the future outlines of these models, since we are moving to a new stage in the development of international logistics in our country.

Keywords: checkpoint model; Artificial Intelligence; state border; the Customs; maritime and road transport.


  1. Bulavin, V. I. Tamozhnya: desyat' let spustya [Customs: ten years later]// Rossiyskaya gazeta — Federal'nyy vypusk № 169(8223) // URL: https://rg.ru/2020/08/02/bulavin-k-2030-godu-vsia-rabota-fts-budet-perevedena-v-cifrovuiu-sredu.html

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