
Dmitriy V. Gribanov, Kseniya Ev. Kovalenko, Nataliya Ev. Kovalenko, Dariya Al. Statsenko. The issues of legal regulation of relations in the field of digitalization (novels, state, risks)

UDK: 340.11

Dmitriy V. Gribanov - Doctor of Law, associate professor of the department “Theory and History of State and Law” of the Ural State Law University (Ekaterinburg)

Kseniya Ev. Kovalenko - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the Law Institute of the Altay State University (Barnaul)

Nataliya Ev. Kovalenko - Master’s Degree student of the Law Institute of the Altay State University (Barnaul)

Dariya Al. Statsenko - Master’s Degree student of the Law Institute of the Altay State University (Barnaul)

Abstract. COVID-19 has given rise to a sharp increase in the number of government and intergovernmental legal acts, strategies, programs with different content and scope of regulation of public relations. Most countries have locked their borders, including restricting movement within their own countries. One third of the world's population has been subjected to some kind of social restrictions (from the closure of educational institutions to self-isolation). These political decisions exist at all levels of government. In the period of the coronavirus pandemic, when most of the relations have moved into the sphere of digitalization, during the period of self-isolation, the question of the introduction of information technologies has become relevant. The current paper has emphasized the importance of the digitalization for individuals and society, considered some of the changes taking place in public life related to digitalization. There has been given a concept of the sphere of digitalization; there have been considered the arguments on the introduction of robots into the sphere of jurisprudence, options for legal regulation of the status of machines with artificial intelligence, as well as the spread of unmanned vehicles. There have been analyzed the prospects and problems of introducing information technologies into the sphere of private law relations. It has been noted that in the context of digitalization of civil law relations, it is necessary to pay special attention to the protection of personal data. There have been made the conclusions that digitalization has a constant tendency to increase, therefore the issue of the law-making policy of the state in the field of information technologies is still relevant. Despite the identified problems, the problem of the legal status of artificial intelligence remains unsolved, that can be proved by the current changes of Russian legislation.

Keywords: digital law; digitalization; robots; unmanned vehicles.


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