
Tatiyana Al. Maksimova. Navigation and information systems as one of the ways to control the passenger traffic

UDK: 681.518.54

Tatiyana Al. Maksimova - post graduate of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT), head of the department of judicial-contractual work of the Legal and Personnel Support Department of the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region

Abstract. The current paper has presented a brief information on the development of the navigation system, regulatory legal acts governing navigation activities. There has been described the Regional Navigation and Information System of the Moscow Region, the purpose of its establishment, tasks, and the ability to use it to control the passenger traffic. There have been given the suggestions for improving the system and making changes to the regulations of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: navigation; satellite; satellite system; monitoring; passenger traffic; automation; timetable; monitoring information; control.


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