UDK: 656.13.08(075.8)
Artamonova Svetlana N. - candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the Military University of the Ministry of Defence of Russia
Abstract. The study of the nature and contents of control and supervision, their manifestations in such a priority area of public administration as road safety is of extreme popularity. The current legislation does not contain the concept "federal government supervision over road traffic", and the legislator’s interpretation of its relationship with control in the area is not uniquely defined. At the same time, the violations of the mandatory requirements in the field of road traffic safety committed by the participants, legal entities and officials, individual entrepreneurs are still one of the main causes of road traffic injuries. The problem of ensuring road transport safety is particularly urgent, since it is one of the most important socio-economic and demographic issues of the Russian Federation, and its solution can help to implement a wide range of economic, organizational and educational measures. The article presents the analysis results of the organization’s experience and the regulatory legal regulation of the control system in the field of road transport safety, as well as the prospects for improving the controlling activity in this area, taking into account the latest threats.
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