Статьи рубрики | Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes

Scientific specialties:

5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences)

Mamonova M. The strategy of innovative development of railway transport in the Russian Federation

UDK 656.003

Mamonova M. - graduate of the of the Law Institute Russian University of transport

Abstract. In the article the basic factors, which characterize a special role of innovation activity for the effective functioning of railway industry, are considered. The necessity of innovation development of the railway transport in Russia is proven.

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Novikova O. Methods of transportation of narcotic drugs

UDK 343.57

Novikova O. - phd in law, associate professor of the department «Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminology» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Abstract. This article discusses the existing types of transportation of drugs, specify the methods of transportation, which are the most common, and what is the danger for those who directly transport them. The emphasis is also placed on the work of law enforcement agencies, which are obliged to constantly seek new ways to control drug trafficking and improve ways of their disclosure.

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Gruzdeva L. Crime on transport in Russia: the digital characteristic for 2017 year

UDK 343.8

Gruzdeva L. - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Information and mathematical technology and information law» of Law Institute of Russian University of transport, professor of the Russian Academy of natural sciences

Abstract. The article presents the digital characteristic of transport crime in the Russian Federation for 2017 year by analytical materials on the portal of legal statistics of the General Prosecutor's Office. The author has considered the structure of registered crimes by category, analyzed and visualization of the dynamics of certain types of crimes committed on the transport in the Russian Federation from 2013 year.

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Zhavoronkov V., Egorova M., Farafonova A. Measures aimed at preventing the illegal use of duplicate state vehicle registration plates

UDK 343.3/.7

Zhavoronkov V. - senior lecturer of the department «Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminology» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Egorova M. - student of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Farafonova A. - student of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Abstract. The article deals with certain aspects of the activities of licensed commercial organizations and private entrepreneurs for the production of duplicates of state registration signs of vehicles, and the negative consequences that may lead to violations of the rules of acceptance of orders for their production and issuance. Offered some measure of legal and organizational measures aimed at the prevention of offenses related to the manufacture of duplicates of state registration plates and illegal use.

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Sudenko V., Abdulmedzhidova D. Ethical issues in the production investigative actions

UDK 343.13

Sudenko V. - associate professor of the department «Criminal law, criminal process and criminalistics» of Law Institute Russian University of transport

Abdulmedzhidova D. - post-graduate of Law Institute Russian University of transport

Abstract. This article presents the problematic ethics of the investigator in investigative actions, the scene inspection, searches, survey, interrogations of suspects, accused, victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings. Ethical issues in the activities of the investigator might arise in the process of investigating crimes committed, including infrastructure, railway and other modes of transport. Special attention is paid to disclosure of individual situations, leading to professional deformation of the investigator, which in the end, the most negative impact on the relationship between the investigator and the interrogated persons. Basic requirements for the behavior of the investigator and the ways of establishing and maintaining psychological contact between him and passing on the case face.

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Novikov V. Actual issues of administrative and criminal responsibility for driving of a motor vehicle while intoxicated

UDK 343.2

Novikov V. - candidate of law, associate professor, associate professor «Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics» of the Law Institute Russian university of transport

Abstract. In the article on the basis of the judicial practice as well as analysis of different points of view represented in the scientific literature, topical issues of cooperation between administrative and criminal legislation on responsibility for driving of a motor vehicle while intoxicated were discussed. Suggestions were made to improve the current criminal legislation.

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