
Shagiev Bulat V. Problems of operational-investigative activity of the customs authorities while transporting commodities by vehicles

UDK: 343.985:339.543

Shagiev Bulat V. - candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department "Customs Law and Organization of the Customs Affairs", Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The customs authorities are to carry out operational search activities in order to identify persons who prepare, commit or already committed an unlawful act, regarded as a crime, in accordance with the legislation of the member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union; the execution of requests of the non-members of the Eurasian Economic Union such as international organizations, customs and other competent authorities, in accordance with the international treaties among the member-states and a third party. The problem is that it is impossible to check everything and ensure complete accuracy of the information submitted to the customs authorities. Therefore, the limited resources of the customs authorities must be used with the greatest efficiency. It’s necessary to focus on the most risky operations and export of goods liable to higher taxation. Sustained violations of customs rules and regulations that undermine the interests of domestic producers or threaten other state interests which customs service should protect are of the primary attention at the customs. Therefore, at present, the risk management system should be directly connected with the operational-investigative agencies that receive urgent information from operational analytical departments of customs check-points and customs.

Keywords: customs authorities; operational-investigative activity; risk management system; law enforcement of the customs authorities; crimes or criminal offenses in the customs; operational-investigative department.


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