UDK: 343.85
Olga R. Afanasieva - Doctor of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport
Abstract. Transport criminality of persons who have previously committed crimes forms an independent object of forensic knowledge. The necessity to establish specific properties, characteristics and trends in the development of recidivist crime determine the relevance of conducting a forensic study aimed at establishing the status and trends in the development of recidivist crime in transport and transport infrastructure facilities, which has an increased degree of public danger and entails larger social consequences. Such scientific and practical developments contribute to the coordination of the activities of all subjects of recidivism prevention, the scientifically based development of managerial decisions, the implementation of effective prevention measures and the formation of federal and regional programs to combat crime. The current paper, based on the data of official statistics of the Federal State Institution “GIAC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, has presented the dynamics of transport crimes committed by people who previously committed crimes in 2017―2022. There has been characterized an indicator of the share of transport recidivism in the structure of investigated crimes in transport. Based on the analysis of indicators reflecting the monthly dynamics of recidivism, there has been presented a model for the development of transport recidivism using the sliding year method. The current paper has also presented the territorial distribution of recidivist crime at transport infrastructure facilities, as a result of which it was found that almost half of recidivist transport crime (47.1%) is investigated by three out of ten Transport Directorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in federal districts. There have been noted positive changes in the structure of transport recidivism. Particular attention has been paid to indicators reflecting the dynamics of a number of identified people who have previously committed crimes, their gender and age structure and existing criminal experience. Also, based on the analysis of indicators reflecting the monthly dynamics of a number of identified people who had previously committed crimes, using the sliding year method, there has been presented a model for the manifestation of criminal activity of repeat offenders.
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