
Aleksandr S. Parshakov. Legal liability for transport offenses and other crimes related to technology: military and legal aspects

UDK: 342.9

Aleksandr S. Parshakov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Military University of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, retired colonel of justice

Abstract. The current paper has considered the features of bringing military drivers and military officials to legal responsibility for committed incidents involving cars, military, special and transport vehicles. The author has analyzed the types of legal liability to which military personnel may be involved, namely administrative, disciplinary, material and criminal. There has been emphasized that, depending on the severity of the consequences, one or another type of legal liability may be applied to military personnel, for example, for violation of the rules for driving and operating vehicles that did not lead to accidents with people or other serious consequences, military personnel may be subject to disciplinary liability, and commanders, senior officers and other military officials may be held criminally liable for violation of the rules for driving or operating vehicles. With regard to a serviceman, as a subject of transport and other offenses related to transport, the author has comprehensively considered the possibility of bringing him to criminal liability for other crimes related to automotive and other military equipment, in particular, intentional or negligent destruction or damage to military property, loss military property, failure to provide assistance to a person in a life-threatening condition, poor-quality repair of vehicles and their release into operation with technical malfunctions, forgery or destruction of the vehicle identification number. Considering the practice of bringing military personnel to various types of legal liability for offenses related to transport, including military ones, the author has relied on the practice of the activities of the military prosecutor’s office and military investigative agencies.

Keywords: legal responsibility; transport offenses; serviceman; military official; rules for driving and operating cars.


  1. Parshakov, A. S. K voprosu ob osobennostyakh rassledovaniya prestupleniy, voyennosluzhashchikh, svyazannykh s bezopasnost'yu dorozhnogo dvizheniya [On the issue of the peculiarities of the investigation of crimes, military personnel related to road safety] / A. S. Parshakov // Voyennoye pravo. — 2019. — № 3 (55).

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