Статьи рубрики | Information and legal enforcement of transport activity and security

Scientific specialty:

5.1.2. Public law (state law) sciences (legal sciences)

Dmitriy V. Gribanov, Kseniya Ev. Kovalenko, Nataliya Ev. Kovalenko, Dariya Al. Statsenko. The issues of legal regulation of relations in the field of digitalization (novels, state, risks)

UDK: 340.11

Dmitriy V. Gribanov - Doctor of Law, associate professor of the department “Theory and History of State and Law” of the Ural State Law University (Ekaterinburg)

Kseniya Ev. Kovalenko - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the Law Institute of the Altay State University (Barnaul)

Nataliya Ev. Kovalenko - Master’s Degree student of the Law Institute of the Altay State University (Barnaul)

Dariya Al. Statsenko - Master’s Degree student of the Law Institute of the Altay State University (Barnaul)

Abstract. COVID-19 has given rise to a sharp increase in the number of government and intergovernmental legal acts, strategies, programs with different content and scope of regulation of public relations. Most countries have locked their borders, including restricting movement within their own countries. One third of the world's population has been subjected to some kind of social restrictions (from the closure of educational institutions to self-isolation). These political decisions exist at all levels of government. In the period of the coronavirus pandemic, when most of the relations have moved into the sphere of digitalization, during the period of self-isolation, the question of the introduction of information technologies has become relevant. The current paper has emphasized the importance of the digitalization for individuals and society, considered some of the changes taking place in public life related to digitalization. There has been given a concept of the sphere of digitalization; there have been considered the arguments on the introduction of robots into the sphere of jurisprudence, options for legal regulation of the status of machines with artificial intelligence, as well as the spread of unmanned vehicles. There have been analyzed the prospects and problems of introducing information technologies into the sphere of private law relations. It has been noted that in the context of digitalization of civil law relations, it is necessary to pay special attention to the protection of personal data. There have been made the conclusions that digitalization has a constant tendency to increase, therefore the issue of the law-making policy of the state in the field of information technologies is still relevant. Despite the identified problems, the problem of the legal status of artificial intelligence remains unsolved, that can be proved by the current changes of Russian legislation.

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Anna Al. Chebotareva, Vladimir Ev. Chebotarev. The role of present methods of interpreting scientometric indicators in the methodology of international university rankings: competitiveness in the field of transport science and technologies

UDK: 347.463.4

Anna Al. Chebotareva - Doctor of Law, docent, head of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Vladimir Ev. Chebotarev - Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the problem of universities to be ranked internationally, taking into account the tools for assessing international recognition. There have been used such general scientific methods as dialectical method, methods of formal logic. Having analyzed the correlation between objective measures of international recognition of universities and other components of the university's involvement in the international academic community, the authors have formulated the main directions of the development of the publication activity of researchers of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, focused on the general (institutional) and disciplinary (special) "Shanghai" ranking of the world universities, i.e. Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), an international ranking of the "first echelon". At the same time, in the general target focused on the general consolidated measure of the international consistency of the university, the authors have identified possible directions for the development of objective indicators of international recognition of the university in the field of transport science and technologies.

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Tatiana An. Polyakova, Aleksey Ig. Khimchenko. Formation of an unmanned transport system: issues of public policy implementation, enforcement of information security and legal regulation

UDK: 347.823.4

Tatiana An. Polyakova - Doctor of Law, professor, acting head of the sector of information law and international information security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary lawyer of the Russian Federation

Aleksey Ig. Khimchenko - Candidate of Law, applicant of the sector of information law and international information security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary lawyer of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper has considered the legal issues connected with the increasing importance of the use of unmanned vehicle technology. There have been analyzed the features, trends and approaches to expand the application of these technologies. There has been made an analysis of the international practice of several countries being initiative to legislatively regulate relations arising with the participation of highly automated and unmanned vehicles and their operation. There has been studied the current Russian legislation, program documents and strategic planning documents in the field of legal regulation of unmanned transport technologies. The current paper has focused on the relevance of the issues of ensuring the confidentiality of personal data of drivers and users of vehicles, enforcing the information security of the information infrastructure of unmanned vehicles and the developing information systems, including the security of information about traffic users, and ensuring protection against cyber attacks. Based on the study results of regulatory trends and issues, as well as for solving the upcoming tasks in the development of unmanned transport technologies, there have been formed the recommendations on the issues of legal regulation of new unmanned transport technologies.

The study was financially supported by the Russian Federal Property Fund, research project 18029-16013.

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Alla V. Pavlova. Current state and prospects of digitalization of freight railway transport and logistics in Russia

UDK: 338.47

Alla V. Pavlova - Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department of Customs Law and Organization of the Customs Affairs of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, alpav71@mail.ru

Abstract. The digitalization level of Russian railway transport and logistics is currently behind the world level. The reasons are largely economic, since customers consider most of the services that have car park management systems and telemetry systems of objects to be redundant, and are not ready to invest in them. The digitalization is hampered by the imperfection of regulatory structure, as well as by the lack of standards to integrate solutions from different manufacturers. Nevertheless, by 2025 in the Russian railways due to the introduction of digital technologies, it has been planned to reduce the share of operating costs for information systems to 5% per year. It is expected that improvement of the operating model of information technology will allow conducting «optimization» of 15% of IT staff and save up to 1.2 billion rubles on purchases. The current paper considers the results of digitalization in the freight railway industry of the Russian Federation, as well as the prospects for the application and development of digital technologies to optimize the costs of commercial structures and the state, increase competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

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Ekaterina Iv. Kobzeva, Albina Yu. Misak. Ensuring transportation safety in the context of digitalization

UDK: 656:005.932

Ekaterina Iv. Kobzeva - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department of Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law of the Law Institute, Russian University of Transport

Albina Yu. Misak - post-graduate of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The rapid development of modern technologies based on the use of a distributed list and other information innovations has resulted in the emergence of a fundamentally different system of economic relations, called “digital”. One of the key areas of the Russian Federation activity is the development of the digital economy. Currently digitalization is the main factor in the development of transport infrastructure and the transport services sector. The issue of transport modernization occupies a serious position in many foreign strategies for the development of the digital economy. A prosperous digital economy requires uniform legal provisions, and at the same time, this unified set of laws should not hamper the spread of innovation and progress in the digital economy. The current paper has considered the issues related to changes in transport services in going to a digital economy. The transportation system plays a huge role in the development of any state. Due to new technologies transport services are increasingly shifting to the digital market, becoming an integral part of the digital economy. As for the ensuring the railway transport safety in the context of the new “digital” regulation, the railway infrastructure is a critical infrastructure, and therefore various failures can potentially result in both disruption of railway transport, and in disruption of the life of one country, and possibly of several countries at the same time. As a result of the study, there has been concluded that one of the key concerns is that technology is developing rapidly, but the relevant legislation is of a risk to lag behind.

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Vera V. Smirnova, Sergey A. Pravkin. Problems of regulatory support of autonomous (unmanned) railway transport

UDK: 347.463:656.2

Vera V. Smirnova - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Sergey A. Pravkin - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has considered the legal regulation of autonomous railway transport in the Russian Federation. Partially or fully autonomous (unmanned) railway transport operates in many countries, including the Russian Federation. The use of unmanned trains will improve carrying capacity, guarantee the transportation security, use energy more efficiently, reduce delays, improve the clarity and promptness of the transportation, since there is no human factor. The technologies in this area are developing rapidly. In the unmanned transport sector, the technologies used on the metro lines have advanced significantly. Therefore, at present, there is a necessity in legal regulation of both autonomous (unmanned) transport in general, and specific types of such transport. The authors have analyzed the Russian legislation and foreign countries, regulating unmanned vehicles. Particular attention has been paid to railway transport. It has been noted that in Russia and abroad there is no proper legal regulation of autonomous (unmanned) railway transport. Automation of railway transportation requires comprehensive measures to ensure the transportation safety. There has been concluded that it is essential to eliminate gaps in domestic legislation by adopting a new law and introducing amendments and additions to the existing legislation.

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Irina Al. Grebenkina, Svetlana Al. Grebenkina, Alla L. Blagodir. The current status and development trends of the infocommunication transport infrastructure in the Russian Federation

UDK: 656:005.932

Irina Al. Grebenkina - Candidate of law, associate professor of the department of Civil law and Procedure of M.M. Speransky Law faculty in the Institute of Law and National Security of RANEPA, senior lecturer of the department of Civil Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Svetlana Al. Grebenkina - senior lecturer of the department of the Analysis of Risks and Economic Security of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Alla L. Blagodir - Doctor of Law, professor of the department of Labour Law and Social Security Law at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Abstract. Despite the recognition of the importance of the digital transformation of transport infrastructure as the basis of life safety, social and economic development of the country, the technical, legal and financial regulations of the digitalization of the transport complex, a detailed assessment of the impact of digital transport technologies on social and economic processes in modern society remain completely unexplored. The new challenges of globalization, integration and digitalization of the global economy necessitate the permanent improvement of transport infrastructure, the growing demand for the development and use of highly automated vehicles in recent years. The current paper has estimated the current state of the infocommunication transport infrastructure in Russia based on the analysis of statistical data, has identified the advantages and key system-wide problems of the domestic transport industry. There have been determined the vectors of the Russian transport system development, the directions of the scientific and technical policy of the modern transport industry of the Russian Federation to ensure the competitiveness of the state in the international arena, to improve its socio-economic growth and national security, relying on successful foreign experience, in particular, of the USA, Singapore, Japan, China, Germany. There have been identified the promising areas of the use of unmanned vehicles to improve the quality of people’s lifestyle, to develop entrepreneurship, new technologically advanced industries, and inaccessible territories with the aim to deliver minerals, to increase the investment attractiveness of our country and to strengthen its position in the international arena. The current paper has identified the factors hindering the widespread use of highly automated vehicles on public roads in Russia, and ways to overcome them. There has been analyzed the regime of the “regulatory sandbox” and attempts to legislatively consolidate it in Russia and abroad.

This work was financed by the RFBR under an agreement No. 19-29-06069\19.

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Elena Ig. Cheremina. The impact of digital technology on transport industry modernization

UDK: 656:005.932

Elena Ig. Cheremina - Master’s Degree student, Volga State University of Water Transport

Abstract. Artificial intelligence research has had a boom in the past few decades. This happened mainly due to the groundbreaking results of the 1960s and 1970s, including the use of advanced neural networks (NNs). The main area where artificial intelligence is on its peak, is transport. There is no doubt that the transport system is experiencing a huge transformation, and the traditional transport industry is keen into a new development vector using digital technologies. It is important to understand the directions in which national security issues are formed in the field of transport, based on digital transformation and various processes of technical interaction through networks and neural networks, which can pose a threat to national security without proper legal regulation. The paper has discussed the issues related to the impact of information and communication technologies in the transport industry, which can result in rapid and multiple transformations. The transport and logistics sector is experiencing a huge transformation as due to market trends the new technological solutions come into everyday use. As the complexity of modern transport and logistics grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand what to focus on in the short- and long-term prospect and what to invest in.

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Aleksandr V. Vlasov, Tatiyana V. Shtepa. To the question of ERP-systems application in foreign economic activity and logistics

UDK: 339.9

Aleksandr V. Vlasov - Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department of customs law and organization of the customs affairs, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Tatiyana V. Shtepa - post-graduate, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Modern digital technologies have transformed the transportation system and opened up new horizons in its development. The formation of “digital transport and logistics” should be based on the existing transport system framework, but at the same time there should be taken into account changing market and economic conditions. The paper deals with the process of implementing information technology in logistics, while considering the positive results that are reflected in the enterprise activities. The paper has analyzed some aspects of the application of digital technologies of ERP-systems to develop transport and logistics. ERP-systems help companies comprehensively manage working processes. If you correctly identify the tasks and clearly distinguish among responsibility areas, the integration of the ERP-system in logistics will help to obtain significant advantages over competitors.

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Ekaterina S. Zalozhnykh. Main concepts and legal regulation of advertising on vehicles (and with their use) in Russia

UDK: 659:34

Ekaterina S. Zalozhnykh - post graduate of the department of administrative law, ecological law, information law, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The paper deals with the main concepts and legal regulation of advertising on vehicles (and with their use). The paper reveals the relevance of this type of outdoor advertising, its attractiveness to advertisers. The main issue of the paper is a legal regulation of advertising on vehicles (and with their use) in the Russian Federation.

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