Статьи рубрики | Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes

Scientific specialties:

5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences)

Sudenko V. Technical-criminalistic provision of inspection of the place of accidents on railway transport

UDK: 343.132+343.985

Sudenko V. - associate professor of the department «Criminal law, criminal process and criminalistics» of Law Institute Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The most initial investigative action on disclosure of transport crimes and their further investigation is considered. Particular attention is drawn to the improvement of the effectiveness of the fight against these crimes through proper technical and forensic support of the production of individual investigative actions, first of all, inspection of the scene of the transport incident as one of the most important investigative actions, often determining whether the crime was committed or there is a perpetration. The article describes in detail the tactics of using not only traditional technical and forensic means, but also the latest technical means, including foreign production, during the inspection of the scene of a transport accident. Reveal the possibilities of technical means of the General and specially-criminal purpose for the purposes of crime detection and support of their investigation, including laser scanners, video endoscopes and others Provides recommendations for inclusion in the investigative team performing the site inspection accidents, specialists in various fields.

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Bobovkin M., Dulskaya V. Manufacture of forensic and surprising expertise in the customs bodies of Russia in transport

UDK: 339.5:343.98

Bobovkin M. - doctor of law, professor, professor of the department «Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and criminology» of Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Dulskaya V. - undergraduate of Law Institute of the Russian University transport

Abstract. The article describes the possibilities and specifics of the forensic handwriting expertise in the customs bodies of the Russian Federation in transport. The authors disclose the concept and subject of forensic handwriting expertise in the investigation of customs crimes in transport. The system of tasks, direct objects and comparative materials of handwriting studies of manuscripts are defined. Much attention is paid to the method of forensic handwriting examination and typical mistakes in its production.

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Agapov P., Motin O. Public legal signs of the object and the subject of poor-quality repair of vehicles and their release into service with technical malfunctions

UDK: 343.2:629.08

Agapov P. - doctor of law, associate professor, professor of the department «Criminal law, criminal process and criminalistics» of Law Institute Russian University of Transport

Motin O. - ph.d in law, associate professor of the criminal law and procedure Moscow City Pedagogical University

Abstract. Due to the annual increase in the number of vehicles, their safe operation is of particular interest not only from the point of view of the object of criminal law protection, but also the entire socio-economic development of Russian society. Unfortunately, the use of transport as a source of increased danger is inevitably associated with a high level of injury and death. In cases where causing serious harm to health or death to a person during the operation of transport is associated with a violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of vehicles, there are grounds for establishing in the acts involved in the violation of the rules of persons the presence of signs of transport crimes, including those provided for in article 266 of the criminal The authors categorized and considered taking into account existing public-law prescriptions the signs of the object and the subject of poor-quality repair of vehicles and their release into service with technical malfunctions. As a result, there are proposed unified approaches to the interpretation and application in practice of the characteristics of the object and the subject of the crimes, provided in art. 266 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

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Agapov P., Motin O. The qualification and public legal grounds for distinguishing of the deterioration of vehicles or communications from other crimes and offenses

UDK: 343.346

Agapov P. - doctor of law, associate professor, professor of the department «Criminal law, criminal process and criminalistics» of Law Institute Russian University of Transport

Motin O. - ph.d in law, associate professor of the criminal law and procedure Moscow City Pedagogical University

Abstract. In the article, the rules of qualification and delimitation of the deterioration of vehicles or communication from other crimes and offenses are systematized and considered taking into account the existing public law norms. As a result, measures are proposed for the uniform application in practice of the norms, provided for in Art. 267 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as to minimize damage from transport crimes.

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Shiyan V. Murders on the objects of transport

UDK: 343.346

Shiyan V. - associate professor of the department «Criminal law, criminal process and criminalistics» of Law Institute Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Based on the analysis of the statistical data of the PKU «GIAC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia», the article contains the criminological description of the current state of murders on the objects of transport. Such information will allow timely and purposefully apply the appropriate crime prevention measures.

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Sudenko V. Drug addiction in Russia and their impact on transport security

UDK: 343.341.1/.342.3

Sudenko V. - associate professor of the department «Criminal law, criminal process and criminalistics» of Law Institute Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The problematic issues of combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues are considered. The reasons for the widespread distribution of drugs among the population, as well as the factors contributing to the transformation of the country, on the one hand, into transit routes for the movement of drugs from Central Asia to Europe, using primarily rail transport, and on the other, to the place of sale of these substances among the Russian population. The international documents — conventions, agreements concerning problems of fight against distribution of drugs and other stupefying substances are resulted.

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Mamonova M. The strategy of innovative development of railway transport in the Russian Federation

UDK 656.003

Mamonova M. - graduate of the of the Law Institute Russian University of transport

Abstract. In the article the basic factors, which characterize a special role of innovation activity for the effective functioning of railway industry, are considered. The necessity of innovation development of the railway transport in Russia is proven.

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Novikova O. Methods of transportation of narcotic drugs

UDK 343.57

Novikova O. - phd in law, associate professor of the department «Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminology» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Abstract. This article discusses the existing types of transportation of drugs, specify the methods of transportation, which are the most common, and what is the danger for those who directly transport them. The emphasis is also placed on the work of law enforcement agencies, which are obliged to constantly seek new ways to control drug trafficking and improve ways of their disclosure.

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Gruzdeva L. Crime on transport in Russia: the digital characteristic for 2017 year

UDK 343.8

Gruzdeva L. - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Information and mathematical technology and information law» of Law Institute of Russian University of transport, professor of the Russian Academy of natural sciences

Abstract. The article presents the digital characteristic of transport crime in the Russian Federation for 2017 year by analytical materials on the portal of legal statistics of the General Prosecutor's Office. The author has considered the structure of registered crimes by category, analyzed and visualization of the dynamics of certain types of crimes committed on the transport in the Russian Federation from 2013 year.

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Zhavoronkov V., Egorova M., Farafonova A. Measures aimed at preventing the illegal use of duplicate state vehicle registration plates

UDK 343.3/.7

Zhavoronkov V. - senior lecturer of the department «Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminology» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Egorova M. - student of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Farafonova A. - student of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Abstract. The article deals with certain aspects of the activities of licensed commercial organizations and private entrepreneurs for the production of duplicates of state registration signs of vehicles, and the negative consequences that may lead to violations of the rules of acceptance of orders for their production and issuance. Offered some measure of legal and organizational measures aimed at the prevention of offenses related to the manufacture of duplicates of state registration plates and illegal use.

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