UDK: 656.052.8
Dmitry V. Stankevich - College of the Dubna State University
Abstract. The current paper has considered the problems of the quality of educational programs for drivers’ training in driving schools of the Russian Federation due to the low level of pedagogical skills of theory teachers, industrial training masters, and control of compliance with licensing requirements by driving schools; the absence of entrance examinations to enroll a person as a candidate driver with the subsequent admission of each student to the exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate. Modern drivers’ training methods largely involve mindless memorization of answers to exam questions and mechanical actions when driving a vehicle. The 2013 reforms in drivers’ training turned out to be ineffective and gave rise to new problems that have not yet been resolved. In fact, this is a commercial organization that aims to make a profit, while neglecting the quality of the service provided. Changes in the examination rules during this period also did not bring the expected results.
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