Статьи рубрики | Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations

Scientific specialty:

5.1.2. Public law (state law) sciences (legal sciences)

Dmitry V. Stankevich. Problems of vehicle drivers’ low-quality training and the ways to solve them

UDK: 656.052.8

Dmitry V. Stankevich - College of the Dubna State University

Abstract. The current paper has considered the problems of the quality of educational programs for drivers’ training in driving schools of the Russian Federation due to the low level of pedagogical skills of theory teachers, industrial training masters, and control of compliance with licensing requirements by driving schools; the absence of entrance examinations to enroll a person as a candidate driver with the subsequent admission of each student to the exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate. Modern drivers’ training methods largely involve mindless memorization of answers to exam questions and mechanical actions when driving a vehicle. The 2013 reforms in drivers’ training turned out to be ineffective and gave rise to new problems that have not yet been resolved. In fact, this is a commercial organization that aims to make a profit, while neglecting the quality of the service provided. Changes in the examination rules during this period also did not bring the expected results.

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David Ar. Melkonyan. The correlation between control and supervisory and licensing activities in the field of transport security

UDK: 347.9

David Ar. Melkonyan - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. There have been considered theoretical and methodological foundations of the correlation between the concepts of “control and supervisory activities” and “licensing activities” in relation to enforcing transport security. There have been shown the role and place of these types of activities in enforcing transport security. There have been revealed their contents and purpose, as well as the close correlation between them.

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Oksana Iv. Mamina, Evgeny Al. Nesterov. Federal state control (supervision) in the field of transport security: public legal nature and review of law enforcement practice

UDK: 342.951

Oksana Iv. Mamina - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Evgeny Al. Nesterov - Candidate of Law, head of the Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The question of the essence and nature of supervisory activities is under constant attention of modern legal scholars and legal practitioners. Supervision is one of the tools of public administration, which is used to establish and enforce general and special legal order as the implementation of the principle of legality. The current paper deals with the study of approaches to understanding the category of “supervision” in general and federal state control (supervision) in the field of transport security, as one of the types of administrative supervision, a way to enforce constitutional law and order and security. There has been given statistics on law enforcement practice for this type of supervision for 2022 and the analysis of its materials.

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Viktor M. Koryakin. Legal basis for strategic planning in the development of the transport complex of the Russian Federation: status and prospects

UDK: 338.4

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has presented an analysis of the legislation on strategic planning of the Russian Federation in the development of the country’s transport complex. There have been analyzed the program documents operating in this area, the main of which are the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 with a forecast for the period until 2035 and the state program “Development of the Transport System”, approved by the government of the Russian Federation in 2021 and 2017, respectively. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2024, No. 309, which defines the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036, there has been announced the development of the national project “Efficient Transport System”. In this regard, the current paper has substantiated the need to adjust long-term program documents in the field of transport to achieve the target indicators of this national project.

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Eduard F. Shahnazaryan. The debtor’s vehicle located abroad as a property interest for the claimant in enforcement proceedings: implementation of the principle of rationality

UDK: 347.2/.3

Eduard F. Shahnazaryan - All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Russian Ministry of Justice)

Abstract. The current paper has considered the legally regulated mechanism for searching for a debtor’s vehicle located outside the Russian Federation, both at the stage of consideration of the case in court and after a court decision through the prism of the principle of rationality. At the same time, there has been considered the mechanism for foreclosure on such property. There have been proposed the options for improving the current legislation in terms of searching for the debtor’s property on the territory of a foreign state and foreclosure on it.

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Sergey M. Tubolev. Social support for family and childhood using the example of the activities of joint-stock company “Russian Railways”

UDK: 349.3

Sergey M. Tubolev - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper deals with the analysis of social support for family and childhood using the example of the activities of JSC “Russian Railways”. The paper has presented the analysis in detail the programs and activities carried out by the company within the framework of social responsibility, aimed at improving the living conditions of families and children. There has been noted the social efficiency of JSC “Russian Railways” and the positive results of such initiatives, which influenced the social well-being of children and their parents. There has been drawn attention to the fact that this company, in its local regulations, sets up an extensive system of social support measures for the families of its employees, orphans, and children without parental care. There have been considered certain types of social support measures for family and childhood, which are implemented by JSC “Russian Railways”. There has also been analyzed the collective labor agreement for the period from 2023 to 2025 and its main provisions, including working conditions, social guarantees, compensation, and benefits for employees. There has been studied the influence of a collective labor agreement on working relationships, the level of employee satisfaction with the social nature of the policy of JSC “Russian Railways” and the efficiency of the organization in this area. The study is of practical significance for the development and practical optimization of social support programs for families and childhood in a corporate environment. Legal regulation improvement of this area will make it possible to establish a trend towards social responsibility of other systemically important companies.

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Sergey V. Sekushin. On the directions of development of a restriction institution in the turnover of public railway transport infrastructure facilities

UDK: 347

Sergey V. Sekushin - Deputy CEO of Institute of economics and transport development (IETD)

Abstract. The current paper has presented a brief analysis of the ownership of railways (as property) in Russia and some foreign countries (France, China, Germany) according to the type of rights and subjects. There has been established that in Russia, public railway transport infrastructure facilities belong to a number of entities (including JSC “Joint Stock Company “Railways of Yakutia”, FSUE “Crimean Railway”, FSUE “Railways of Novorossiya”, LLC “Rubicon”), and only the objects of JSC “Russian Railways” are limited in a turnover. Such regulation is individual and not objective, which is a clear drawback and requires improvement of legislation. In the context of setting up a Unified Core Transport Network of the Russian Federation, there have been proposed directions for the development of the institution of restriction in the railway property turnover. This development should consider the possibility of restoring licensing of owners of public railway infrastructure facilities and involving existing facilities of JSC “Russian Railways” in concession projects, despite their limited turnover.

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Larisa L. Polionskaya, Maksim V. Trushin. Urgent issues of improving legal mechanisms for preventing and combating corruption, preventing, and resolving conflicts of interest in the establishments set up to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation

UDK: 342.9

Larisa L. Polionskaya - Leading expert of the Department of Coordination, Methodological and Legal Support of the Center of Anti-Corruption Activities of JSC “Russian Railways”

Maksim V. Trushin - Head of the Department of Coordination, Methodological and Legal Support; Deputy Director of the Center of Anti-Corruption Activities of JSC “Russian Railways”

Abstract. In the current paper, based on an analysis of the application of anti-corruption legislation, legal mechanisms for combating corruption, preventing, and resolving conflicts of interest, practices and procedures of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation there has been concluded about the impact of the effectiveness of these procedures on minimizing corruption. There has been considered an experience of JSC “Russian Railways” in the adoption of systemic anti-corruption measures and the development of business ethics and analyzed the efficiency and their applicability. The study result obtained using the methodology of formal legal analysis and systemic legal approach can help disseminate the experience of JSC “Russian Railways” and bring a positive effect in improving measures to prevent corruption in the establishments set up to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation.

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David Ar. Melkonyan. Accreditation as a form of licensing activities in the field of transport security

UDK: 340

David Ar. Melkonyan - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has considered the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the essence and content of accreditation as one of the forms of licensing activities in the field of transport security and shown the importance of accreditation to ensure the quality and efficiency of the activities of transport security divisions. There have been identified basic principles and functions of accreditation of legal entities involved in enforcing transport security, given a description of the main types of accreditations, analyzed judicial practice on this issue, and formulated some proposals to improve the legal regulation of accreditation in the field of enforcing transport security.

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Viktor M. Koryakin. Legal support for the activities of transport security divisions to suppress the functioning of unmanned systems: problematic issues

UDK: 342.9

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper deals with the analysis of the norms of legislation on transport security regulating the issues of suppressing acts of illegal interference in transport activities using unmanned vehicles of various classes and for various purposes. There have been considered the innovations in legislation that give transport security divisions the powers to suppress the functioning of aircraft, submarines and surface vessels and vehicles, unmanned vehicles, and other automated unmanned systems. There has been concluded that there are legal gaps in transport legislation related to the insufficient regulation of the procedure for making decisions on the use of special means and firearms to suppress acts of illegal interference using unmanned aerial vehicles. There have been proposed some rule-making measures aimed at overcoming these legal gaps.

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