
David Ar. Melkonyan. Accreditation as a form of licensing activities in the field of transport security

UDK: 340

David Ar. Melkonyan - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has considered the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the essence and content of accreditation as one of the forms of licensing activities in the field of transport security and shown the importance of accreditation to ensure the quality and efficiency of the activities of transport security divisions. There have been identified basic principles and functions of accreditation of legal entities involved in enforcing transport security, given a description of the main types of accreditations, analyzed judicial practice on this issue, and formulated some proposals to improve the legal regulation of accreditation in the field of enforcing transport security.

Keywords: transport security; licensing activities; accreditation of transport security forces; principles and functions of accreditation.


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