
Sergey M. Tubolev. Social support for family and childhood using the example of the activities of joint-stock company “Russian Railways”

UDK: 349.3

Sergey M. Tubolev - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper deals with the analysis of social support for family and childhood using the example of the activities of JSC “Russian Railways”. The paper has presented the analysis in detail the programs and activities carried out by the company within the framework of social responsibility, aimed at improving the living conditions of families and children. There has been noted the social efficiency of JSC “Russian Railways” and the positive results of such initiatives, which influenced the social well-being of children and their parents. There has been drawn attention to the fact that this company, in its local regulations, sets up an extensive system of social support measures for the families of its employees, orphans, and children without parental care. There have been considered certain types of social support measures for family and childhood, which are implemented by JSC “Russian Railways”. There has also been analyzed the collective labor agreement for the period from 2023 to 2025 and its main provisions, including working conditions, social guarantees, compensation, and benefits for employees. There has been studied the influence of a collective labor agreement on working relationships, the level of employee satisfaction with the social nature of the policy of JSC “Russian Railways” and the efficiency of the organization in this area. The study is of practical significance for the development and practical optimization of social support programs for families and childhood in a corporate environment. Legal regulation improvement of this area will make it possible to establish a trend towards social responsibility of other systemically important companies.

Keywords: childhood; orphans; collective agreement; family.


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